Middle Sub-School News 

Sarah Hill - Middle Sub School Leader



We are very nearly at the end of a lengthy term! I have no doubt both students and staff will have earned a well deserved rest after plenty of learning this term.


We have some very exciting things coming up in the Middle Sub School:


We have House Colours Day on 24th June which is run by Kaboom Kids. There will be plenty of music, sporting activities, excitement and fun had no doubt! Parents and carers are invited to attend this event! Reach out to your child’s classroom teacher for more information.


We have the incursion ‘Musica Viva' taking place on Monday July 22 (10-12:30). Student will be immersed in all things drama, song and dance!


Year 7 students will be engaging in a Sexual Health Incursion on 4th September. This will impact specific students in Rooms 14-18.


ICT Supervision

As always, the online world continues to evolve! Ensuring safe use of online platforms is essential in supporting students to be safe online. Please be vigilant in supervising your child on iPads, laptops, you name it. Explicit content is making its way more than ever into what looks like child friendly videos and music. Please, as much as possible do your due diligence and double check content is appropriate. If you need any support in accessing tools to support your child being safe online, please contact your child’s classroom team.


Winter & Sickness

As we edge closer to winter, sickness, colds and flus are circulating! We continue to support students to practise good hygiene, washing their hands, using tissues and generally keeping ‘hands to self’. In the event you need to keep your child at home due to sickness, please call the absence line so that we are able to monitor student absences, and check in should your child have any unexplained absences. 


As always, have a wonderful break! If you can, be sure to take the time to relax and recoup, and we will see you in Term 3!

Room 18


As we near the end of this term, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate the fantastic time we've had in our new classroom. The students have settled in beautifully, and it's been a joy to see their creativity shine through in decorating our space with their amazing artwork. We are incredibly proud of how quickly everyone has adapted, and we look forward to creating many more cherished memories here throughout the year.

One of the highlights of this term has been our cooking sessions. It has been delightful to watch our students prepare delicious recipes and enjoy tasting their creations together. Equally impressive has been their commitment to cleaning and tidying the kitchen afterward, demonstrating responsibility and respect for our shared environment.

We have also thoroughly enjoyed our visits to the garden. We’ve had so much fun learning about all of the things that we can grow in our school and how to take care of them.

Another favourite activity has been our visits to the new school library. The library is a wonderful space for story time and for students to select books to bring back to our classroom. We are grateful to the dedicated staff who have made it such a welcoming and enriching place for us.

Looking ahead, we are eagerly anticipating House Colour's Day next week—a fantastic opportunity for our students to showcase their school spirit and unity.

This term has been filled with exciting events like Swimming Week and special celebrations such as birthdays, which have brought our class closer together. As we head into the break, we encourage students to relax, enjoy time with loved ones, and return refreshed for Term 3. Thank you for a wonderful term in Room 18— we can't wait to continue our journey of learning, growth, and creating wonderful memories in the upcoming term.