Primary Sub-School News

Michelle Davies - Primary Sub School Leader


Hello everyone!


I wanted to update you regarding some exciting events taking place before we finish for the holiday!


24.6.24 - House Colours Day.  This is a wonderful incursion delivered by Kaboom Kids. Students will have lots of opportunities to participate in a range of fantastic sports activities.  It will be wonderful to see you all there as parents and carers are also invited to attend.


22.7.24 - Musica Viva.  We are delighted to host this wonderful incursion for our students, where they will be joining in with dance, drama and songs.


Stay well this Winter

With the cooler weather upon us, we are starting to see an increase in numbers of children becoming unwell with sniffles, cough, and sore throat.  We continue to support students regarding good hygiene, covering their mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with a tissue and washing hands regularly with soap and water or using sanitiser.  If your child needs to stay at home due to being unwell, please inform the absence line.  Thank you for your continued support; let’s work together to stay safe and healthy.


We wish you a relaxing and restful break and look forward to seeing you in Term 3, commencing 16.07.24.


Best wishes



Room 9 


Room 9 have had a very busy start to the year. They have settled in well to classroom routines and expectations and made excellent progress towards their goals. Enjoyed activities have included; excursions to Scienceworks and swimming, gardening and cooking, Science and PE.

Students have worked hard to accomplish their curriculum goals this semester and improve their phonics understanding, making connections to themselves when reading books, learning the classroom routine and communication skills. They are looking forward to more planned incursions and excursions this year, including House Colours Day with Kaboom Sports, Aboriginal games and Croc’s Playcentre. It has been great to see them display the JSA expected behaviours in the community, playground and classroom.