Facilities News

Dr Denise Clarke Frances Hansen
Capital Works Manager Facilities Manager
Capital Works
The major works for the Yaluk building have all been completed. Room 25 is just waiting for custom lighting to be installed in the booths. The tolerance for the lights is very small so they could not be ordered until the joinery was finished. The students are looking to transition and occupy the room in the first week after the holidays.
The booth concept design we believe is a first in Victorian schools. Students want their own space but also want the security of connection to other people. The booth concept provides each student with their own personal space within the room. They will still have full visual connection with staff and other students and are included within one room.
There is space for collaboration near the interactive TV so as students who want to work together in the room offers that flexibility. Students in Room 25 will be able to exit their room into their own courtyard playground.
The stage curtains were installed last week. Staff are looking forward to the school performances on the stage. Students were given the opportunity to visit the stage with the curtains. Curtains have specially built cupboards so they can be rolled away when not in use.
We are finally at the end of this Capital Works building journey. As we enter the "defects" stage of the program we will see how effective the unique design features of this building withstand the general daily use by our students.