
Principal News Flash 

Stephanie Torchia & Dan Moloney 



Hi everyone!


This fornight's newsflash includes some exciting community events and other important issues:


Secondary Parent Information Night

Each year we conduct our annual Secondary Parent Information Night to inform our families about the Curriculum Pathways we have planned to support our families to better understand the wider programs we have on offer. This year, we will be running this evening on Thursday, 25th July


Helen Capuano, Our VET Hospitality teacher will speak about our new JSA VET course that creates a great learning pathway aligned with both the HOL Café Program and Stephanie Alexander KG Program. Will have 2 student alumni speak about the experience when attending SBAT in Years 11 and 12 and their work placements since graduating.


Please look out for the posters promoting this night and seeking your RSVP prior if attending.

Post School Careers Expo

As a follow up to our Secondary Parent Night, we will be conducting the 2024 Careers Expo on Thursday, 8th August in the Yaluk Gym from 3-6pm. We will be inviting up to 20 service new and familiar providers to our JSA community. This is a great opportunity for our families to consult with these services in planning for their child’s post-school options well in advance. 

Semester 1 Reports

On Friday, 28th June we will be uploading your child's Semester 1 Report to XUNO.

We will also be sending home hard copies to families, by request only.

Personal Living Skills Program

A key focus of the Curriculum Pathways Team has been to develop the framework, resources and teacher access to facilitate our JSA Living Skills program.


In response to parent/carer survey feedback, Phase 1 of this program involves providing beautiful individualised living skills kits for our students to use and develop their 'self care'. 


These kits were distributed to each child's classroom for use last week. Teachers will initially assess each child's personal care needs to prioritise certain areas such as brushing their teeth, combing their hair, washing their face, applying deodorant and more.


You will find a 'parent consent form' in your child's communication book regarding their use of deodorant as part of this program. If not returned yet, please return it in your child's communication book ASAP!


Sexual Health Victoria (Year 7-12 'Consent and the Law' Student Workshops)

A current ongoing focus of the Department of Education (DE) is the growing extent of our student's online usage lately. They relay their concerns for the wellbeing of students as a result of exposure to a range of content and online chat rooms that many students simply do not, or are ready and equipped, to understand. 


Sexual Health Victoria (follow this link) are a government-based organisation that provide online supports and resources to students, staff and families; much of which is free to access. These supports are related to themes including Cyber Safety, Sexual Decision Making and Consent.


At JSA, we are conscious of the needs of our students and these areas. The Curriculum Pathways Team are in the early planning stages of developing a JSA Sexual Health Framework to strategically plan and implement tiered supports for our Year 7-12 students to develop the skills to respond or seek help for each of these areas from the classroom context through to a formal referral process, as necessary.


Between Monday, 26th August- Wednesday 4th September, we have planned for all Year 7 to 12 students to attend 'Consent and the Law' workshops in their class groups (for Rooms 19-27) and in smaller groups (for those Year 7 students located in the Middle Sub School).


Early in Term 3, a parent consent form with your child's session date will be placed in your child's communication book. You may request for your child to opt-out of these sessions on the return slip.