Infants and Primary


As we head towards the halfway mark of the year, staff are busy making sure all learning opportunities are maximised. To help achieve this, our Positive Behaviour for Learning focus for this fortnight has been centred around building our capacity to be independent learners. This helps students get on with the task at hand and staff to be able to support students at their point of need.

It is also at this time of year that staff are finalising reports ready to be handed out at the end of term. We will be holding parent-teacher interviews early next term and each parent and carer is strongly encouraged to book a time with their child’s teacher/s to discuss their progress and learning goals. These interviews are a great chance to touch base, address any concerns and help set the scene for the second semester of learning. Please keep an eye out for more information about this as it gets closer.


This term, our Kindergarten class has been busy with scientific investigation! We've delved into the properties of various materials, embarking on exciting activities like our 'magnetic material hunt' where we challenged ourselves to see how many paperclips each magnet could hold. Exploring waterproof materials proved equally fascinating as we tested them by wrapping teddies and observing the results (some teddies emerged a bit soggy!). On a recent chilly day, we applied our knowledge of insulating materials to craft a ‘snuggly jumper’ artwork, which is eagerly awaiting display in our kindy hallway.

Looking ahead, we're excited to delve into the origins of our clothes and understand why different materials are chosen for specific garments. Plus, we're gearing up for a fun 'billy goats gruff bridge' experiment to test the strength of various materials. Stay tuned for more scientific discoveries!

In Geography, we've been discovering the places where we feel a sense of belonging. In addition to sharing why our own homes are so special, we've ventured into homes from around the world, imagining what it would be like to swap houses. Using all our senses, we explored areas in our school. We created colourful maps of our daily journeys from home to school, pinpointing landmarks we pass along the way. Next, we will be learning about the important community helpers in Boorowa and dream up our very own special community, limited only by our imagination!

 Ms Wood 

Year 1 

This fortnight, Year 1 has been very busy in all areas of the school day. In English, students explored the topic of persuasive texts through writing ‘Arguments’. We explored a children’s book, ‘Hey, Little Ant’ by Hannah Hoose which asked the reader to choose a side in the debate between a human and an ant. Students considered the difference between facts and opinions and made some compelling arguments. Over the next two weeks, Year 1 will be looking again at symbols, imagery and connotation through exploring rich narratives.

In Mathematics, students have been working with fractions. We have been learning the vocabulary: halves, quarters, eighths and doubles. This extended to recognising the fractions shown inside an analogue clock. Students practiced reading the time on the hour, half past and a quarter past. Over the next week, we are looking at addition and subtraction mathematical stories.

Our PBL focus this fortnight has been on ‘working independently’. Students have been encouraged to practice this skill many times throughout each day. We have discussed what this looks like, and how to access the tools you need for success in the given task. Students have approached this focus well, demonstrating focus for longer periods of time.

In Creative and Performing Arts, students have been practicing using finger puppets to perform ‘shows’ in front of their classmates. We role played scenarios of how to handle small problems that can arise throughout the school day.

Next week, Year 1 will be engaging in a Feather Celebration, after filling our feather bucket to the brim this term for showing positive behaviours. Students have voted for how they would like to spend the reward- they can wear mufti and bring their favourite teddy bear or soft toy to school on this day (Wednesday 26th June). This day also coincides with our whole school Merit Event. Students invited to attend this event will have a note sent home too, as they have received ‘merits’ for academic achievement in the classroom.

Please contact me at any time through the school office.

Emily Friend

Year 1 Classroom Teacher

Year 2/3

Year 2/3 have been studying fables in English. After reading each fable we had to work out the moral and then discussed what it is telling us and how we can use this message in our lives. We have had a big focus on reading and comprehension this term and improving our fluency when reading aloud. In Maths, we have been reading the time on analogue and digital clocks, looking at o’clock, half-past, quarter to and quarter past times. We have also been working on our times tables and making arrays to show a visual picture of each one so we understand how our times tables work. In Geography, we have been studying Australia and where it sits in the world. We have discovered that Australia has many cool places to see and we even checked out a lot of the ‘big things’ in Australia, like the Big Banana. In PDH we talked about World Earth day and came up with some ways that we can help our environment at school and at home. We created some beautiful trees as a part of this study. After studying sharks earlier in the term and writing information reports about them, we made our own portholes with sharks in them during Art lessons. It has been a busy term so far and we are looking forward to a few more weeks of learning before the next holidays.


The last few weeks have seen a significant change to routine for some of our students in the Primary classrooms. In week 7, Year 6 had their first day of ‘Transition to Year Seven’. This day was brilliantly arranged by Ms Mahoney and our secondary teachers. The kids were able to experience Science with Miss Moorby, Art with Miss Packwood, Teamwork with Mrs Taylor, Food Tech with Ms Golden and an orientation session with Ms Mahoney. A great day was had, and another example of the benefits of our central school system.

I had the absolute pleasure to be the Cowra District Convenor at the Western Region Cross Country for PSSA in Orange in week 7. It was absolutely beautiful in the six degree temperatures, sideways wind, rain and even snow at one point! The kids did such a great job representing our school and our district. Well done to Coen, Amali, Harper and Digby on battling the freezing conditions.

Unfortunately, a small number of our students continue to use inappropriate language here at school. This is a significant issue, as it shows a lack of respect for our learning environment, other children and staff in our school. We will continue to enforce high expectations of behaviour here at school, including using appropriate language both inside and outside the classroom.

We are finalising student reports currently. It’s always a lot of work, but a great pleasure to read all of the primary student reports each semester. Please take the information seriously, as a strong home/school relationship is essential for positive school experiences for our children. 

If you require any additional information or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email:

Jason Stuart

Assistant Principal Primary (Relieving)

5/6 Classroom

The year 5/6 class have had lots happening the last fortnight. The year 6 students had transition day, we had western region cross country and some very challenging weather to deal with each day. We have begun a new English unit on Macquarie Island – an incredible piece of land between us and Antarctica. In Mathematics, we have begun working on 3D shapes, classifying and making 3D shapes from nets. In Science we continue our unit on Natural Disasters – which is also feeding into our Creative Arts and English units as well.

One thing we need to remember in our class is that our room is for everyone and everyone belongs. From time to time, some students behave in a way that doesn’t allow for our learning environment to be successful – this won’t be tolerated as every student deserves good lessons, in a positive environment, each day. Please help us with the expectations as you discuss school with your children.

As always, please get in touch if you require any further information:

Jason Stuart

5/6 Class Teacher

Assistant Principal Primary (Relieving)