
For our last rotation for the term we are finishing with something special – ‘Pizzas of the Imagination!’ This is a wonderful way to allow the kids to conceptualise flavours and demonstrate creativity and teamwork. 

Beginning with a basic pizza dough (sourced a recipe from Jamie Oliver, a fail proof, safe and easy option) and an ingredient table, including many things from the garden as well as a few shop bought extras, the children have come up with some traditional as well as some more adventurous combinations.  

There are only two rules, at least one thing from the garden on each pizza and each group has to make at least two different flavours. Overall, we think that our young chefs have rivalled the best pizza shops out there so look forward to some new and amazing pizzerias in Ballarat in the near future.  


To finish off the term in the garden students have been continuing with some winter planting, harvesting for the kitchen, taking some cuttings and creating labels.  ‘Pizza of the imagination’ has been even tastier because of the rocket, oregano and mizuna (Asian greens) being harvested.  

Our chickens have appreciated their nesting boxes being cleaned and fresh drinking water being topped up.  

In terms of planting, more Asian greens, kale and cabbages have been going in, along with two apple trees which were kindly donated by Spot on Pots. Students have been creative with the apple trees by establishing an espalier fence of which they will train the apple trees to grow along. The create group have been busy making labels for our apple cider vinegar, olives and ‘poor man’s capers’ as well as taking fig cuttings which will hopefully be right for next year’s school fete.

Lastly, we would like to thank all those families who offered to care for the animals over the holidays. We are all sorted for these holidays but please don’t be disheartened if you missed out as we are always looking for help in the future.