Grade 5 & 6 Nutrition Day

Friday fortnight ago, all Grade 5 and 6 students participated in their Term 2 Health Day which focused on Nutrition. Students in Grade 5 used the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating guidelines to analyse daily eating habits, designed their own healthy lunchbox, designed and made a healthy sandwich, evaluated the nutritional value of a range of drinks and created a presentation around sugar in drinks. Student is Grade 6 used the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating guidelines to analyse daily eating habits, evaluated our school canteen menu, used food labelling and an app called Food Switch to help assess the nutritional value of foods, and investigated the powers of food advertising. Here is a little sample from the day:


Student Reflections:

Today we learnt that different types of food give you a lot of nutrition.  I found it valuable that some foods are bad to eat every day and others give you nutrition.  The thing I enjoyed most about the day was learning about the content of drinks such as the amount of sugar in coke and flavoured milk.

Amelia 5C


Today we learnt that Pepsi Max has zero sugar.  I found it valuable that we need fruit.  The best part of the day was making the healthy sandwiches.

Georgia 5A



I learnt how much sugar is in soft drink.  I found it valuable to know how much sugar is in many everyday snacks.   I enjoyed looking and investigation how much sugar is actually in many foods.

Dion 6C

Today we learnt that you could have sometimes foods as well as good foods.   I found it valuable to look at how much water we are supposed to drink per day.  I enjoyed making a healthy lunch.

Piper 5C


Today we learnt that milk has a lot of energy.  I found it valuable not to drink as much soft drink.  I enjoyed making my sandwich.

 Cooper 5A


I learnt that all foods are not as healthy as they seem.  Something valuable to know is that sports drinks and soft drinks contain A LOT of sugar.  I really enjoyed analysing the commercials/ads activity.

Joel 6C