Parents and Friends Group

Billy G’s cookie dough fundraiser finished up and we are sending out a big thank you to all that ordered tubs to support our school. We sold 522 tubs with a total earning for our school of $2088. Congratulations to Foundation A who had 19 students' families participate selling 215 tubs in their class. 2E and 1D were our next highest tub sellers.
Our individual students' top fundraisers were Amarni from FA selling 59, Haven 2E selling 47 and Phebs and Jaz FA selling 44.
A big thank you to all our parents and friends helpers who came in on Wednesday 26th June to get all the orders sorted for collection. Your help is always appreciated and we would love to see more come along to support our school.
On Monday 17th June we held our monthly meeting, we discussed how we have gone with the fundraising efforts this year and the potential of trialing some new fundraisers as we move into the second part of the school year. We would love for some new faces to come along to these meetings to help choose what we can do with funds raised for our school and ideas you may have for us to help in the school community.
Our next meeting is planned for 5th August 2024.
Months are flying by quickly and the parents and friends group are busily organising our annual fathers day stall. We thank all that have an input into what we shall provide on offer for the children to choose for Dad or a special person in their life for fathers day. Our stock has arrived at the school and we can not wait for the stall to happen. We are looking for helpers who will be able to attend and help at the stall. If you are interested please reach out to us at
Here is a small sneak peak on some of our items.
We wish you all a happy safe holiday and will see you all next term.
Parents and friends.