From David

Ministerial visit and announcement of mandated phonics
On Wednesday last week we received a visit from Education Minister and Deputy Premier, Ben Carroll. He was also accompanied by Kat Theophanous, our local MP. While here, they met with some staff and students, toured the school, and filmed a media release for the Department of Education in relation to the announcement that Victoria would be adopting a structured phonics approach to learning to read.
Under the new model, students from Foundation to Year 2 will be taught using a structured phonics approach, with a minimum of 25 minutes of daily, explicit teaching of phonics and phonemic awareness.
At TPS our Year 1/2 teachers adopted this approach a couple of years ago and this year have been involved in the Science of Language and Reading (SOLAR) project with LaTrobe University. Teachers in Prep to Year 2 have participated in an intensive professional learning and coaching program, building their skills and knowledge around explicit instruction and structured synthetic phonics.
Parent/carer/ teacher meetings and 3-way student-led conferences
These meetings/ conferences are scheduled over two days, similar to the structure last year.
- Tuesday 23rd July – Prep to Year 2 classes – parent/carer/teacher conferences
- Thursday 25th July – 3-way conferences (parent/carer, student, teacher) - this will involve sharing and discussing learning progress and showcasing work.
More details and booking arrangements will be sent through a Compass message on return to school next term.
Last day of term - 2.30pm finish
A reminder that Friday 28th is the last day of term and that school finishes at 2.30pm. As this is the last newsletter of Term 2, best wishes for the winter holiday break.