Hello, from Carolyn.

Respect, responsibility and kindness

Hello everyone,


Semester one reports.

Semester one reports will be available via the Sentral app on Monday 17th June.

Parent/Teacher meetings are taking place after school from Tuesday 18th to Wednesday 26th. Bookings via the Sentral app have now closed. If you need to book a time please get in touch with your child's teacher to find out when they will be available.


We teach and assess using the Vic Curriculum, and report on your child's progress using a five point scale-

A Well above the standard expected at this time of year

B Above the standard expected at this time of year

C At the standard expected at this time of year

D Below the standard expected at this time of year

E Well below the standard expected at this time of year.


The 'dot scale' on the report shows your child's achievement this report with achievement 6 months ago and the broken line, ----,  showing your child's progress over the last 6 months. Sometimes the spread between the dots can be big or small, and vary depending on whether the subject is taught every semester, such as English and Mathematics, or once a semester or even every second year, such as History or Science. 


It is important to remember that we are all different, we all have our own strengths and areas of challenge and we all learn at different rates. Sometimes children make rapid progress with their learning and may then need time to consolidate before their next learning growth. Other children might learn at a slower, but more continuous rate. There will be much to celebrate with your child when you read their report with them.


Our expected behaviours at Bendigo PS.



I hope lots of you can come along to help at our working bee on Sunday, it's a great feeling to work alongside others to help our school keep looking so fabulous.

Warm regards,



School banking details.


Bendigo Violet Street Primary

BSB: 033-688

Account number: 93-1292

Payment reference: use your surname and fees.