Music News

Director of Music
Winter Concert – Thursday June 20th, 2024
Last Thursday was our annual Winter Concert, showcasing all the students involved in our instrumental music program this year, from beginners right through to our seniors. Comprising a junior / intermediate show and a senior show, the audience was treated to a wide range of performances including orchestral arrangements of popular music, classics like ‘Ode to Joy’ and even a Celtic string piece.
Well done to all students involved for putting the work in to prepare for this performance, and a big thank you to all the instrumental staff for working with them to learn the pieces and refine their playing. Thanks must also go to the classroom staff who helped: Molly Grunwald for her outstanding stage management, Aysha McCoy for training stage and tech crew and overseeing tech operations on the night, Amanda Naidoo for assisting backstage and ensuring students were in the right place at the right time, and Yi Jiang for assisting with supervision of students.
Please enjoy the photos below, and if you missed the show, you can check out the livestream here.
Highvale Retirement Village Performance
Earlier this week, the Stage Band visited Highvale Retirement Village. This was a
much anticipated performance, as due to the restrictions of the past few years, we were unable to visit sooner. The residents enjoyed a variety of upbeat Stage Band songs, solos and duets across a variety of styles. The residents were very appreciative, one lady even gifting the school a music score. The afternoon culminated with afternoon tea and the opportunity for the students to chat with the residents. Plans are underway to visit again later in the year.
One of the residents was also kind enough to send us an encouraging message after the event (reprinted below):
“Hello Highvale SC,
I was part of the audience at Highvale Retirement Village on Monday afternoon for the concert performance by the school's stage band. I just want to say that it was a thoroughly uplifting occasion in many ways. The students were highly talented and very engaged and committed in their performance. And it was lovely to chat briefly with some of them after the event. So, thanks all round to the staff and students involved for providing a great start to our week here in the Village.
Best wishes
Jim Spithill, resident”
Instrumental Lessons
A few reminders for students as instrumental lessons continue next semester:
- Please check your lesson times carefully each week, and again the day before the lesson. Write yourself a reminder if you need it so you remember to attend (or if you use a BYOD, set a reminder using a calendar app such as Outlook).
- If you will miss a lesson, please see your teacher or send your teacher an e-mail in advance. In some cases, the lesson time may be able to be re-arranged but this is not always possible. The earlier you let a teacher know of a problem with the lesson time, the more likely it is that they can change it for you.
- Please ensure you complete regular practice as advised by your teacher. Some teachers will write practice requirements in the Compass lesson plan, so please check this.
Ensembles continue during term 2. Please note groups that were rehearsing in D3 are now rehearsing on the gym stage. Ensemble sessions should appear in the student’s Compass schedule.
Due to the AT529 class ending, there will be some changes to ensembles, so please check Compass carefully.
If you were in AT529 this semester but not already in another ensemble, you will most likely join:
- Intermediate Strings on Tuesday afternoons for string instruments;
- Intermediate Concert Band on Thursday afternoons for Brass and Woodwind instruments.
If you’re not sure which ensemble you have been allocated to be in, please contact Mr Mitchell,
2024 Performances
For your forward planning, please see the proposed 2024 performances below. If you are unsure if your student will be required on a particular date, please contact the music department for confirmation. Please keep these dates free as it is essential that students attend the concert(s) for the ensembles that they are scheduled in for.