1/2M News This Term

Literacy News: We have been learning about 'Healthy Habits' as part of our Inquiry/Literacy topic. The posters we created show one of the ways we can be healthy is by eating foods with lots of vitamins and minerals. We get these from the dairy, fruit, vegetables, grains and the proteins we eat.
Maths News: We are learning about Location in Maths. We drew a bird's eye view of our school and then gave directions to how to get from a starting point to a destination on the school grounds.
Religion News: We are learning about the how communities live in Harmony. We talked about how apologising and asking for forgiveness is an important act to repair relationships. That God and Jesus' message is about forgiving us when we do wrong. National Sorry Day reminded us of that too.
Wellbeing News: We have been learning about how our emotions are an important part of being human. There are emotions we enjoy having and some emotions that are not comfortable to have for too long. One of these is anger. We learned strategies that can help us deal with anger in a more positive way. We talked about each having to choose our own calming techniques because everyone has different things that can help calm anger and frustration.