5/6A Gets Busy With It

We're halfway through Term 2 - here is what we've been up to!


To remember the proper rhythm and pace for chest compressions during CPR training, 5/6A decided that if they were a patient, listening to someone sing “Staying Alive” was slightly intimidating… so we practiced using the rhythm of our ABC’s instead🕺🏽! We were actively engaged in learning these important life-saving skills, practicing on lifelike dummies which provided us valuable hands-on experience, helping us feel more confident and prepared to respond to real-life emergency situations.


Tuning in!
Our brave volunteer...
A, B, C, D, E, F, G...
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P...
Q, R, S, T, U, V...
W, X, Y & Z...
Now I know my ABC's...
Next time won't you sing with me.
Guess what? We all passed with flying colours!
Tuning in!
Our brave volunteer...
A, B, C, D, E, F, G...
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P...
Q, R, S, T, U, V...
W, X, Y & Z...
Now I know my ABC's...
Next time won't you sing with me.
Guess what? We all passed with flying colours!





BANG BANG BANG goes the gavel on the lectern. We call to order 5/6A’s Public Speaking sessions! Throughout Term 2, we have been busy learning invaluable skills on how to speak in front of crowds big and small. Here are some tips‘n’tricks that 5/6A could now tell you ALL about:


  1. Practice, Practice, Practice 
  2. Know Your Audience
  3. Work on Body Language
  4. Focus on Voice and Delivery
  5. Manage Nervousness
  6. Encourage Feedback
  7. Celebrate Success


By learning and practicing these public speaking skills, students in 5/6A have become more confident and effective communicators, demonstrated through their ‘Off The Cuff’ and prepared speeches on ‘All About Me’ and ‘Passions’. Check out our crazy eye-contact in the shots below 👀




🥾 ⛺ 🏞️ 🔥 🧗

From adrenaline-pumping adventures like the giant swing and twin flying fox to team-building challenges like the low ropes course and team rescue, there was something for everyone to enjoy and learn from. Archery provided a chance to hone precision skills, while toasting marshmallows and canoeing offered opportunities for hands-on learning and outdoor exploration. And visiting Amaze 'n' Things added an extra dose of adventure and amusement to the camp experience.


The night time activities added even more excitement. Movie night provided a chance to unwind and enjoy some entertainment together, and the campfire fostered a sense of connection under the stars. Trivia night seemed to test everyone's knowledge and teamwork skills in a fun and engaging way. 


It was an unforgettable camp adventure that offered a perfect blend of excitement, learning, and bonding moments for everyone involved! 


Feeling a bit green with envy? Well, 5/6A welcomes you to live vicariously through their detailed and scintillating narratives about camp that have been posted on Seesaw!


Maps, maps, maps... 🗺️

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there was a class called 5/6A… They discovered that maps are invaluable tools that offer extensive information about navigating our world and decided to learn all about them so that, they too, may explore the world safely one day! Understanding how to read legends, scales, coordinate points, and a compass rose is essential for unlocking the intricacies of geography. See the creative island and town maps below, demonstrating the students’ new geographical skills.

Check out our classroom display!
Check out our classroom display!


It's time to measure up! 📐

Millimetres to centimetres to metres and more! We have covered a lot of concepts in maths this semester but this had to have been the most entertaining of the term so far! For our unit on 'Area, Perimeter and Length', 5/6A spent a lesson measuring the height of each other using tape measures. Whilst we all worked in teams to measure and document our heights, we discovered that at least three students were taller than Ms Ann-Maree!


Fun Fact: Most people have a wingspan approximately equal to their height.