Faith Reflection and RE News

Faith Reflection
Mark 4:26-34- The mustard seed, the smallest of all the seeds, grows into the biggest shrub of all.
The mustard seed, the smallest of all the seeds, grows into the biggest shrub of all.
In this week’s Gospel reading, Jesus gives the disciples a parable to explain the Kingdom of God. He describes it as a mustard seed, which, at the time of sowing, is the smallest of all the seeds on Earth. Yet once it is sown, it grows into the biggest shrub of them all and puts out big branches so that the birds of the air can shelter in its shade.
At first glance, it can seem a little abstract to explain something like the Kingdom of Heaven as a seed. First, we need to ask ourselves: what is the Kingdom of God? This is the world that has been remade in God’s image. You might describe it as heaven, or the world after Jesus has returned. But we aren’t called to make the world a better place only after we have died. Nor are we called to help others only after Jesus has come again. The mission of Christ is to go out and make the world around us a better place, not sit idly by and hope for the best.
Robert Kennedy explored this in his speech in South Africa, where racism was deeply embedded through the apartheid system. He observed that human history is shaped by people who stands up for an idea, acts to improve the lot of others, or stands up against injustice. Every time this happens they create a ‘tiny ripple of hope.’ As each ripple of good deeds crosses another, they can build the energy to sweep down the mightiest wall. In other words, there is an accumulative effect, every small act adding onto the next until it changes the world.
Jesus’ mustard seed parable makes a simple point. While each of us may feel insignificant in the grand scheme of things, we are not. Rather, some of our least noticeable things may have a high impact for those around us. A smile to a stranger may seem like small act of kindness to us, but for the receiver this might be a glimmer of joy in an otherwise lonely world.
This week, we are called to think about the seeds we plant and the impact that we make on others. Consider: what small things can I do to help others? How can I support others when they are trying to help others?
By Jonathan Rooney
Confirmation - Sunday 28th July @ 2.00pm
First Communion - Saturday 9th November @ 6.00pm
Sunday 10th November @ 10.00am
Saturday 16th November @ 6.00pm
Sunday 17th November @ 10.00am
Class Mass Timetable
Term 2 2024
| ||
Date | Class | Theme |
14.6.2024 |
| No Mass |
21.6.2024 | 1/2 SM | Generosity |
28.6.2024 | No Mass | |
Term 3 2024
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19.7.2024 | 1/2 DS | God’s Gifts |
26.7.2024 | 0 L | Grandparent’s Day - Feast of Saints Anne and Joachim |
2.8.2024 | 0 P | St John Vianney Feast Day |
9.8.2024 | 0 KC | Mary Mackillop |
30.8.2024 | 5/6 O | Father’s Day |
6.9.2024 | 1/2 M | Creator God |
13.9.2024 | 1/2 W | Holy Name of Mary |
20.9.2024 | 5/6 L | Peace |
Term 4 2024
| ||
11.10.2024 | 5/6 J | Mary - Rosary |
25.10.2024 | 1/2 B | We are God's hands |
8.11.2024 | 3/4 C | Love, Kindness, Family Let your light shine |