Principal Post

Dear Families,
This week it is a short week and we can see Winter has really kicked in. Please keep warm and well.
Our teachers have already began the planning process for term 3. It is hard to believe we are nearly at the end of term 2.
Thank you to all our families who came to the Cybersafety evening. Sue McClean was very informative and shared with us a number of Social Media sites and aps that we need to be careful about. Our teachers also had some very informative Professional Learning with Susan afterschool.
St John Vianney is an esmart school and we teach the importance of online behaviour and it's value and impact if misused or becomes unsafe.
What is digital citizenship?
Digital citizenship encompasses all aspects of our online behaviour including:
- how we communicate and interact with others online
- how we create and consume digital media
- how we share information including our personal data and that of others
- and the way we present and represent ourselves in digital spaces.
Online safety, media literacy and digital literacy are all elements of digital citizenship. these are taught weekly in our digital technology lessons.
Sick or Absent
If your child is unwell or absent do not forget to ring or email the administration office to let them know.
If you like you can also send a seesaw message to let their teacher know. It is very important that with all the illness in the community to keep your child at home if they are showing symptoms.
On Tuesday 18th you receive the Semester One report for your child/Children. These reports take teachers a considerable amount of time to write. The upcoming Parent /Teacher interview are organised for you to come a discuss the report and to enhance communication between the school and families. Teacher's look forward to this opportunity to meet with families.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Our PBL lessons officially begin in term 3. Each Monday a lesson will focus on a different aspect of behaviour and explicitly teach what is expected. Students will be rewarded consistently for displaying the positive behaviour.
Students will focus on:
I am Responsible when I...
I am Respectful when I.....
I am Resilient when I....
Extended Leave / Holidays
Please remember to see the office staff for an extended leave form to fill in if you are planning holidays or leave of 5 school days and over.
Parent Teacher Interviews
The online booking system is now open for families to book an interview time with their child's class teacher.
Parent Teacher Interviews Dates & Times:
Tuesday 25th June 3.30pm -7.30pm
Wednesday 26th June 3.30pm - 5.30pm
Please see the Parent Teacher Interview page for more information.
Friday 28th June - Maths PL for Staff only
St Vinnies Winter Appeal Casual Clothes Day
Tuesday 25th June -' What I Want to be When I Grow up Day' .Dress up and bring items for the St Vincent Winter Appeal.
You can start bring non perishable foods now if you wish to support this good cause. St Vincent de Paul ar in desperate need of food.
Keep the date Free
Friday 26th JULY - Grandparents Day Mass / Morning tea / Activities in the classroom.