Sustainability Corner


As we head into the home stretch of Term 2 here are a few updates from the Parent and Student Leader Sustainability teams:

  • Our awesome volunteer parents have been busy restoring three prominent garden areas shown below.  The next time you can take a breath at pickup, stroll past with your curious ripper(s) to see what’s growing!
  • In the final weeks of Term 2, the wonderful student sustainability leaders will be coordinating nominations for Classroom Sustainability Reps from years Foundation through Grade 4.  These reps will help the leaders with various activities and get a chance to share their knowledge with their classmates.
  • Waste at RPS is coming in focus with the student leaders doing a waste audit later this month and the parent leaders looking at a better bin system for the school.
  • Our next sustainability focused student event will be the annual Plastic Free July classroom challenge, scheduled for the 2nd week of Term 3

Hope you find the cauliflower!



Are you feeling without options for recycling your soft plastic waste  and feeling each week very heavy that it all NOW gets put into landfill. Also creating all sorts of woe in regard many things including as they break down into microplastics polluting our soil, water ways and affecting our marine life - It seriously breaks our hearts. 


Have you heard about the fab organisation Recycle Smart


Recycle Smart picks up soft plastics from your doorstep (for a fee) and recycles not only soft plastics but a range of other hard to know what to do items such as : shoes clothes and textiles (not good enough for the Op shop), E Waste and misfit items like polystyrene, batteries, lightbulbs, or coffee cups. 

Yep most coffee cups are not recyclable so if a  reusable cup isn't an option for you - maybe Recycle Smart can solve this dilemma.


No, our school isn't getting money from this shout out but we love to share a great initiative to reduce waste and live more sustainability.


Many of the Sustainability team use this organisation and love it obvs for the environmental boon but also it’s easy to organise and the delivery service is seamless.  

So please have a look further at what they offer your family and the environment.

The app is great too. 


And finally: 

Yesterday we had our last Market Stall for Term  2.

It was another success and we cannot wait to see what the gardens grow after the holidays but this weeks crop included, broccoli, spring onions, rosemary, basil mint, kale and we all got excited over the cauliflowers. 



Thank you to all who supported  our market stalls this term including Viviene, Bilijana, Lucia & Emi and from our  sustainability leadership  team for their support with posters, selling and harvesting the produce.

And Ms Cook …just because you are the Bees knees of our productive gardens!  


Before we go … Check out Lenny and Kit’s Mum Nic’s Focaccia made with the herbs from the Market stall… Pretty high bar raised there Nic - we love it !!!! 



And not to forget Marnie who has helped the gardens grow with soil and compost.


We also heard a rumour Lee made our teachers Herb scones with our produce - heart burst !!!!


We’d love to see what else our community are cooking up with the produce from our gardens. 


Please feel free to email  with your cooking creations.


See you next term.