Things To 




We are pleased to announce that this coming Friday, families will receive their child's Semester 1, 2024 report via the COMPASS communication portal. This system allows for easy and secure access to your child's academic progress and achievements.

Accessing the Report

To view the report, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the COMPASS portal.
  2. Navigate to your child's profile page.
  3. Select the 'Reports' tab on the student dashboard.
  4. Choose 'Semester 1, 2024' from the available options.
  5. Download the report in PDF format.

Understanding the Report

The report will provide a comprehensive overview of your child's achievements and progress since the previous year. It includes several important sections:


Achievement and Progress: This section highlights your child's accomplishments and growth in various subjects. Some areas may introduce new standards and subjects, for which no previous progression data will be available.


The Victorian Curriculum standard 5 point scale ranges from 'Well below standard' (two standard points below the expected level) and 'Well above standard' (two standard points above the age-expected level).


Teacher Judgments: Teachers have assessed your child's performance using a detailed rubric. This rubric uses a four-point scale to indicate the phase of skill development.

  • Beginning: The child is starting to demonstrate the skill or understanding.
  • Consolidating: The child has shown the skill or understanding in some contexts.
  • Established: The child consistently demonstrates the skill or understanding in many contexts.
  • Exceeding: The child has mastered the skill or understanding and applies it beyond set contexts.

Each curriculum area has specific skills that teachers have focused on and reported about for your child.


General Teacher Comments: Alongside the rubric assessments, progression there will be comments from all teachers, including specialists. Including effort and behaviour scales and school values. 

What to Expect

The report is designed to give you a clear picture of where your child stands academically and how they have progressed over time. It aims to foster a better understanding of their strengths and areas that may need more attention. By reviewing this report, families can celebrate their child's successes and identify opportunities for further support and encouragement.

Support and Questions

If you have any questions regarding the report or need assistance accessing it, please do not hesitate to contact the school's administration office. We are here to help ensure you have all the information you need to support your child's educational journey.



At RPS, we deeply value the incredible support and dedication parent volunteers provide to our students inside and outside the classroom. Your involvement enriches our school community and enhances the educational experience for all our children. As we look ahead to Term 3, we are excited to announce the launch of our Classroom Helpers Program, and we invite you to be a part of it!


Our Foundation to Year 2 classrooms require reading support, and we believe that your involvement can make a significant difference in our students' literacy development. Whether Mrs. Rose has trained you in previous years or are new to volunteering, we welcome you to join our program.


For those who have undergone training with Mrs. Rose please stay tuned for the release of calendar dates in Term 3 for our Classroom Helpers Program. Your experience and expertise are invaluable, and we look forward to your continued support.


If you haven't been trained yet, don't worry! We encourage you to register to participate and become part of this rewarding experience. Through the program, you will learn firsthand how our Foundation to Year 2 teachers deliver the English curriculum across the school. Gain insights into effective strategies to support your child in their home reading program and understand the intricacies of the reading process.


Mrs. Rose will conduct three sessions to equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to support our Classroom Helpers Program in Term 3. These sessions will provide you with the tools and confidence to make a positive impact in our classrooms.


To register your participation, please fill out the Google Form provided below. Your commitment to our students is truly appreciated, and we are excited to work together to foster a love for reading and learning.

Dates: Thursday 13th June @ 9:15 am, Tuesday 18th June @ 9:15 & Friday 21st June at 9:15 - 11:00 am (You only need to attend 1 of these sessions).

Google form link here:



UJEB would like to hear from you on how UJEB can best provide services for Ripponlea Primary School.


UJEB offers Jewish Life and a Hebrew Immersion Program at schools.

Please fill in which program you would be interested in attending at UJEB and what time slot works best for you and your family. 


There will only be one class per week at Ripponlea.


This is an expression of interest form, and UJEB will run a program at Ripponlea Primary School if there is sufficient interest in the program.


UJEB@Ripponlea - Expression of Interest


Get ready to treat your taste buds because something delicious is coming your way! The RPS Student Representative Council has decided to sprinkle some sweetness into our school week by celebrating our very own National Doughnut Day.


On Friday, June 21st, students will have the opportunity to indulge in mouthwatering doughnuts from Daniel's Doughnuts, located on Glenhuntly Rd in Elsternwick. With four favorites to choose from, there's sure to be a doughnut to satisfy every craving.


Our student leaders made the exciting announcement at Monday's assembly, spreading the news and igniting the excitement among all the students. It's a day we've all been eagerly anticipating, and now it's just around the corner!


So mark your calendars and prepare your taste buds for a day of doughnut delight. Whether you're a fan of classic glazed, filled delights, or adventurous flavors, there's something for everyone to enjoy on Doughnut Day.


 See you on Friday, June 21st, ready to indulge in some doughnut magic!



Excitement is in the air as we gear up for the much-awaited Zones Festival at RPS! This term has been an enriching journey as our students and staff delved into the intricacies of emotional regulation through the Zones of Regulation Curriculum.


For those who may not be familiar, the Zones of Regulation Curriculum is a framework designed to help individuals recognise, understand, and manage their emotions and impulses. By categorising emotions into four color-coded zones – blue, green, yellow, and red – the curriculum provides a structured approach to emotional self-awareness and self-regulation. Through various activities and discussions, our dedicated teachers have been guiding our students on this journey of emotional exploration and empowerment.


As we near the end of the term, it's time to celebrate the hard work and growth of our students. And what better way to do so than with a festive extravaganza. On the last day of the term, we'll be hosting a party to honour the progress made by our students in mastering their emotional landscapes. Students can dress in their favourite outfits matched to a zone colour or a character that represents these zones from movies such as Inside Out.  


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Lee Brennan for generously offering to provide a sausage sizzle, adding a delicious touch to our festivities. The celebration will kick off with a vibrant dance party on the oval during recess, where students can groove to their favourite tunes and revel in the joy of togetherness.


Following the dance party, we'll gather for a special screening of the beloved film "Inside Out." This heartwarming movie beautifully illustrates the complexities of emotions and the importance of understanding and embracing them. It's sure to be a touching and insightful experience for all.


Looking ahead to next term, we are excited to announce that we will be delving deeper into personalised strategies for emotional regulation. Each student will have their own Zones Profile, tailored to their unique emotional needs and strengths. 


Our dedicated staff will work closely with students to identify effective strategies for navigating their emotional landscapes, empowering them to thrive both in and out of the classroom.


As educators and caregivers, we couldn't be prouder of the progress our students have made in developing their emotional intelligence. Through their dedication and perseverance, they have shown a deep understanding of how emotions can be managed and channelled constructively.


So let's come together, celebrate, and rejoice in the growth and resilience of our Rippers!




Come and join us to enjoy a delicious Sausage Sizzle on the last day of school!

Please find all payment information on Qkr! 


Make sure to get your orders in before Tuesday the 25th of June at 3:00 pm.



Snack Shack Term 2 Update:


The new menu is going really well at Snack Shack, with the kids loving the changes and new additions to the menu.


We have some yummy, healthy specials lined up for the rest of the term.


Don't forget Snack Shack is every Wednesday and Friday and all items are only $1, $1.50 or $2.




We are looking for some volunteers to take over the running of our RPS Uniform Shop.


The Uniform Shop is run every Friday between 9-9.30 am and we also run a Market Sale twice a year.


We are looking for a co-ordinator (online job) and Friday Shop helpers (Friday 9-9.30 am) - hoping to have volunteers work one Friday a month each.


If you are interested, please forward your details to the office and we will be in touch.




As we strive to provide a conducive environment for effective learning and ensure the safety of all our students, we'd like to remind you of our school policy regarding the use of mobile phones and smartwatches during school hours.


It's imperative to note that smartwatches including space watches equipped with cameras and various applications are strictly prohibited for use by students throughout the school day, in class and during recess and lunchtime. 


According to ministerial orders, any student found with such devices will face serious consequences. Therefore, we urge parents to ensure that all devices, including smartwatches, are set to school mode and disabled from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm daily.


We understand that some senior students may rely on mobile phones for safety measures during their commute to and from school. Rest assured, we fully support this need and permit the use of mobile phones on school grounds before the bell rings in the morning and after dismissal. Students can utilise this time to communicate with their families, ensuring their safe arrival and departure.


We take no responsibility for the loss or damage of any device, and students and families who breach this policy will need to submit the device in the morning and collect it after school hours.


The rationale behind this policy is to allow students to free their minds from the distractions of mobile devices during crucial learning hours and encourage face-to-face interactions with their peers. Recent discussions within the school council highlighted the importance of this measure in promoting focus, engagement, and social development among students, especially students avoiding social pressures in their younger years.


We appreciate your cooperation and support in enforcing this policy. Should you have any concerns or queries regarding this matter, please don't hesitate to reach out to Mrs Rose or Mrs Campbell.


A mobile phone is a telephone with access to a cellular (telecommunication) system, with or without a physical connection to a network. For the purpose of this policy, “mobile phone” refers to mobile phones and any device that may connect to or have a similar functionality to a mobile phone such as smart watches.  


The ban applies equally to all government schools right across the state. 


Further information 


Emergencies: In the event of an emergency or if you need to immediately contact your child, we ask that families contact the school office who will pass on a message as required. 


School mobile phone policy: A copy of our school’s local mobile phone policy, which implements the government’s mobile policy in line with our local context, is available here:


RPS Mobile Phone - Student Use Policy


Parent support: The Mobile phones in schools webpage provides links to resources for families to help them balance their children’s time using mobile phones.