Positive Behaviour for Learning aligns with the resilience Project and Restorative Practices which we have already embedded in at SJV.
We will be introducing weekly lessons around:
I am Responsible when I...
I am Respectful when I.....
I am Resilient when I....
This week our students began to consider what Responsibility, Respect and Resilient should look like, sound like and feel like all the time, during learning time and during playtime. They will think and respond carefully about how they wish to be treated and how they should treat others.
Some of our SRC are presenting whole school behaviour routines created by them at Assembly. The two routines that the focused on were Flush, Wash ,Dry and Goodbye Routine. This is a routine that was created to keep everyone safe and to respect ourselves and our school’s property when students leave the classroom to go to the toilet.
The other routine is a Assembly Routine.
This explicit taught lesson is to ensure students will be respectful during assembly To prepare students to actively listen in assembly.
and to help them become more calm before assembly. We are very proud of the strong student voice that ensures our students and positivity improve the culture at the school.