We are SMART in 1/2 SM 

1/2 SM have had a great start to Term 3 and are ready for a new term of learning.



In Mathematics we have been busy learning about 3 Dimensional Objects.

We have been learning how to identify, compare and sort 3D objects by their features.


Sophia - “A 2D shape is flat. 3D objects have length, depth & width."

Andi - “2D shapes are flat and they have vertices.”

Amelia - “3D objects have vertices, edges and faces.”

Sebastien - “A triangular prism has 7 sides and 7 vertices and a flat surface.”

Melody - “3D objects  have length, width and depth.”

George V - “A cube has vertices, faces and edges.”

Yesha - “3D objects have round & flat surfaces and you can roll or stack them.”

James - “A cube has vertices, faces and depth.”

George K - “A 2D shape is flat. A 3D object has depth.”

Anthony - “2D shapes are flat. 3D objects are not flat.”

Sanav - “ A square is flat. A cube has depth.”




In Religion, we have been learning about the Creation Story. We can retell the Creation Story and we wrote a prayer about the things that we love about God’s creation.