Principal Post

Dear Families,
This Friday on the Feast of Saints Joachim and Anne we celebrate our Grandparents!
Here at SJV, we will begin the day with a Mass asking for blessing upon all our grandparents who nurture and support us in most loving ways! Mass will begin at 9am!
After Mass we invite grandparents to come to the school with their grandchildren and they will complete a short activity in one of the classrooms. The morning will finish at 10:45am and as grandparents leave, students will return to their own classrooms. We are aware that many students grandparent(s) will not be able to attend. This is to be expected. All students will have an activity that they can complete.
We congratulate some of our Year 6 students who this Sunday will be confirmed by Bishop Tony Ireland. We continue to pray for these young people that they will call upon and be guided by the Holy Spirit in their lives. May the Gifts and Fruits promised by the Holy Spirit continue to be evident in their words, actions and deeds. May their family, friends and teachers continue to support them.
This morning these students met with Fr Tony Ireland to discuss the Sacrament.
The Celebration of the Sacrament has been organised entirely by the Parish but will take place in the church at 2pm. If you have any enquiries about Sunday, please speak with the Parish
I would like to thank our Year5-6 staff for their preparation and teaching of the students within the Religious Education curriculum.
Thank you for your support on Monday. Safety continues to be a priority for us We continue to monitor our grounds appropriately. Please remember that parents on the oval after school should leave at 3.30pm at the moment, with exception of families involved in Kelly Sports or after school music lessons with Mr Pham.
We will inform families when this changes.
Baby News
We congratulate Violetta and her husband on
Michael as they await the birth on a new baby.
Violetta will be working with us until the end of the term.
Please note that the school will NOT be organising the FETE this year. After discussions between myself and Fr David, it has been decided that the Parish will organise and run the Fete with all profit going to the Parish.
The Fete will take place on Saturday October 19th. You are welcome to take your children. The event is entirely organised and supervised by the parish.
The school will now organise their own school community fundraisers going forward. I thank the parent representatives who were part of the initial fete meetings.
We will organise a meeting shortly with parents to brain storm some ' fundraiser activities'.
SJV Feast Day
SJV John Vianney (born Jean-Marie Vianney and later Jean-Marie-Baptiste Vianney (8 May 1786 – 4 August 1859) was a French priest often referred to as the Curé d'Ars ("the parish priest of Ars"). He is known for his priestly and pastoral work in his parish which resulted in the radical spiritual transformation of the community and its surroundings.
You are welcome to join the school students at our Feast Day Mass on the Friday 2nd August. On Monday 5th August, the 'KABOOM' team will come to St John Vianney's to lead us through some fun Olympic games with all of our students to help us celebrate this event.
Gala Day
Our Year 5-6 students will be participating in the Gala Day District Sports event against other schools on Friday 2nd August. Whilst they will miss our Feast Day Mass they will discuss the importance of our Patron Saint during the week as part of their prayer. We wish them well in their Sports Day.
Potato Olympics
On Friday 9th August we will be holding the Potato Olympics, an SJV event to commemorate the 2024 Paris Olympics.
Students will be organised into house groups with students from other year levels to work as a team. Each student will need to have a potato that represents their "athlete". Their athletes will compete in a series of events, and the students will need to use their mathematical skills of measuring and data collection, to score points for their team.
You are invited to attend our awards ceremony at 2:40pm in the assembly area (weather permitting).
To support this event, we ask that families provide each of their children with a clean, washed potato to use on the day. Please send potatoes to school with your child/ren no later than Monday 5th August.
We are looking forward to a fun day celebrating the Olympic values of excellence, respect and friendship.
Swimming lessons start from -
August 12th till August 23rd for Years 1-6.
Each day except Tuesdays.
Please complete the Operoo form that was sent out if you have not done so already.
Swimming is compulsory. All students must participate unless there is a medical reason why they should not participate. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all school swimming and water safety programs meet the Victorian Curriculum F–10 and provide students with the knowledge and confidence to participate in aquatic activities.
If students are unwell on a swimming day they should stay home. Please note If a child has an approved reason not to be swimming he/ she will still go with their class on the bus to the swimming venue and sit under the supervision of their class teacher.
Roof / OHS Regulations
All approved contractors working for us on roofs or otherwise at heights above two metres must have the appropriate training and qualifications, risk assessments and equipment to control their risk. Under no circumstances can school staff or parents access roof areas or similar if a student's ball/ shoe ends up on the roof. If you need something off the roof you must report to the school office or leadership. You will have to wait a number of days before an approved contractor can access the roof.
Resilience Project Award
This week Will 1-2 was presented a certificate for displaying Empathy.
He always includes people in his games and always helps others quietly and respectfully. Congratulations Will -Job well done!!!
SAC Meeting
The SAC will meet this coming Tuesday in the Reception Boardroom at 5:30pm. During this meeting they will review NAPLAN data and discuss our recent changes to our Homework Policy.
NAIDOC Week Competition
All students from Foundation - Year 6 are invited to design a new Australian flag. Please see the NAIDOC Week Competition page for more details. There has been an extension of the due date - entries are now due by Friday the 2nd of August!
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St Johns Way Parking
Please make sure that you line up in the queue along St Johns Way to drop off and pick up your child. Do not cut in or drop your child at the gate on the road.