
Year 2
During Term 3 of English Innovation, learners will begin with the sharing of a story they have published in class and then a writing goal they are focusing on for the term. They will take a moment to explore their main character in depth and build their background story. Learners will then use this newfound knowledge about their character to write a poem about their character with a focus on identity. This will directly link to the Term 3 Inquiry unit which focuses on the importance of locations to a person’s identity. This program will build on the learning that has taken in class and challenge the learners in a different way. They will have the opportunity to implement the innovator’s mindset through the lens of authorship.
Year 3
This Semester, Year 3 English Innovation will centre around extending the authorship in the areas of poetry and narrative writing. Our whole school approaches of CAFE and VOICES will be utilised to strengthen the use of explicit strategies for authorship. In addition, Student Voice will be used to plan, teach and self-assess learning experiences which will be guided by personalised innovation learning goals. English Innovation will also broaden the students’ thinking through a global and service-learning lens. This will be built through providing the students with real-life experiences which increase oral and written language. To celebrate the summation of learning and ensure real life connections, innovators will reflect on and plan how they might transfer the language skills they built during innovation.
Year 4
In Term 3, English Innovators will begin by exploring who they are as authors. They will deepen their understanding of their writing identity by recognising where their ideas and inspirations come from and the styles of writing they are passionate about. The Innovator’s Mindset traits of being, visionary, collaborative, courageous, determined, and reflective will be explored and consolidated through individual English Innovation goals. Learners will write biographies about people and organisations of their choice, applying their innovation goals and individual writing styles too.
Year 5
During Term 3 of English Innovation, learners will begin with the sharing of a story they have published in class and the writing goal they are focusing on for the term. They will take a moment to explore their main character in depth and build their background story. Learners will then use this newfound knowledge to write a poem from the character’s perspective using their unique voice. This unit will focus on the creation of multi-faceted poetry that allows for personal interpretation through figurative and emotive language. This will further connect to the Inquiry unit of learning which focuses on the idea of influencing perceptions. Students will have many opportunities to explore published texts and master the art of borrowing strategies from other authors.
Year 6
In Term 3 of English Innovation, learners will be the authors of the student magazine, ‘Grapevine’. This Innovations class will mimic a real-life magazine production process. We will begin with the exploration of our Target Audience, Content and Design. Learners will implement the Innovator’s mindset and use it as an anchor for thinking throughout the semester. In groups, they will create the content through research, interviews and collaboration. By the end of the term all students will have experienced building various skills, such as Interviewing, Collaborating, Brainstorming and Understanding an Audience. They will experience working to a deadline and learn the skills of time management in a group setting whilst focusing on their writing goal.