Year Three Team News

with Katja, Carmel, Rochelle & Mary

Hello Year Three families,   

The Year 3 students have been engrossed in the Olympic Games and have completed learning tasks related to the games involving literacy and numeracy.


On Monday 3W & 3B students walked to the Williamstown Library with their class for a school visit to learn about the resources available. They listened to a story, participated in an activity and were given a card to take home to encourage families to join the library. Next Monday, 3M will be heading down for their session.

On Tuesday, in support of our Inquiry topic, classes participated in the ‘Beyond the Bin’ incursion run by Hobsons Bay City Council. The aim of the session was to provide a fun, feel-good way to engage kids and families in recycling and building connections to their local environment.


Book Week

Williamstown Primary School will begin celebrating Book Week on next Thursday 15th of August with a Whole School Incursion. Perform Education will be presenting their highly interactive show, ‘Maybe a Miracle’. It is based on shortlisted books from the Children's Book Council of Australia awards, 2024. The show is a joyful leap into the world of imagination that books inspire in us every day.

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The following week is the official Book Week, and students will be involved in many activities throughout the week culminating with a whole school, book character parade on Friday 23rd August.

*Start planning your child’s costume depicting a favourite book character.


National Week Of Action Against Bullying And Violence

Next week is Bullying No Way week. The students will be involved in learning activities throughout the week addressing this important topic which is very much aligned to our Willy Kids program. This year's theme is: Everyone Belongs.

When we feel like we belong, bullying struggles to find a place. It's about embracing who we are, respecting everyone's differences and standing up together against unkindness.

Belonging means we all have a role in preventing bullying. We're encouraged to speak up and create a safe place where everyone feels supported and respected, and our voices are heard and valued.


*Reminder:  students who have opted to bring iPads from home to make sure they are at school each day fully charged. We have days recently when we have not had enough iPads to go around.



Fortnightly Curriculum Focus

Reading: Students will be making inferences of images and a variety of texts.

Writing: Students will continue drafting, editing and publishing their procedural texts.

Numeracy: Division. Recognise and represent division as grouping into equal sets and solve simple problems using these representations.

Recall multiplication facts of two, three, five and ten and related division facts.

Develop efficient mental and written strategies and use appropriate digital technologies for multiplication and for division. We will introduce fractions and represent parts of a whole.


Inquiry: Indigenous Sustainability & Connection to Country: What is meant by ‘caring for Country,’?  How did Indigenous Australians live in a sustainable way before Europeans came to Australia? What does sustainability mean? What does sustainability look like in 2024? What do you do that is sustainable and environmentally friendly? What have you seen that is sustainable?


Child wise/Respectful Relationships: Learning intention: Investigating gender roles in children’s media. Students identify situations in which people learn through copying what they see others do. Students understand the difference between the meanings of the words sex and gender. Students identify examples of behaviours that are influenced by expectations relating to gender. Students identify gendered types that are commonly found within children’s media.



Literacy:  15-20 minutes of reading daily. Record on table on Homework sheet.   

10 minutes of spelling practice related to the SMART spelling focus or their personal words.

Numeracy: 10 minutes of revision focusing on concepts taught at school. Practise times tables.


Warm regards, 

The Year 3 team – Katja Morris (3M), Carmel Byrne (3D), Rochelle White and Mary Colangelo (3W).