Year Two Team News

with Steph, Joel and Georgia

Hello Year Two families,

What a busy and informative couple of weeks it has been. The Grade 2’s have been wrapping up some learning from the beginning of the term and diving into new topics. We have learnt a lot about writing simple and complex sentences, exploring students' opinions through persuasive writing and problem solving with fractions. We have been blown away by the amount of knowledge our students have of shapes and the mature ways they have discussed brave people they know through our Willy Kids lessons. The Olympics has also been a hot topic with a lot of students sharing in the excitement of Australia winning medals. We’ve enjoyed keeping medal tallies in our classes and discussing the different sports. 


 Important news: 

  • Grade 2 Sleepover: Further details about the event will be up on compass next week.
  • Term 3 Oral Presentation: Our Term 3 oral Presentations will commence next week. The presentation is about ‘the ways my family played in the past’. We cannot wait to hear all about the different ways people played in the past. Please see your child’s teacher if you have any questions. 
  • Book week Incursion: Just a friendly reminder that we have a book week incursion on Thursday 15th August from 9:50am-10:40am. The event is up on Compass ready for payment and permission for your child to be given.
  • Book Week Parade: on Friday 16th August, we will be celebrating Book Week with our Book Week Parade. The theme this year is ‘Reading is Magic’. Students may like to create their own costumes or wear something you find at home. 

Curriculum Focus: Weeks 5 and 6

Literacy: In Reading, we will be looking at text connection with specific focus on text to self and text to text connections.

Numeracy:  We will continue to focus on fractions and be adding and subtracting with money.

Inquiry: We will be continuing to learn about toys from the past and discuss how toys have changed over time. We also analyse why these changes have been made and discuss whether these changes are positive or negative, or a mixture of both. We will be using our oral presentation to stimulate many thoughts and discussions about this.

Willy Kids: Through the pillar of Resilience, we are learning about bouncing back from challenging situations and what qualities/strategies are required to assist us to do this.

Respectful Relationships: This term we are focusing on Gender and Identity. We will be exploring a range of activities that will support students to reflect on their identities: likes, dislikes and strengths. Moreover, develop an awareness of positive and negative gender norms, challenge negative gender norms and develop an appreciation of difference. If you’d like some further information, please contact your child’s classroom teacher. 




Until next time,

The Grade Two Team - Steph Keswick (2K), Joel Kitchen (2J) & Georgia Grainger (2G)