Year 5/6 Team News

with Laura, Christina, Emil, Molly, Bianca I, Kayleen, Steven & Melati

Hello Year 5/6 families, 


Currently we are conducting a poetry study in Reading. Each day, the students receive a new poem to study. We are looking for examples of figurative language, poetic devices and symbolism, as well as the morals and moods that drive the writing. This knowledge is helping us plan and draft our own poems which will be published next week and recited to the class. Take a look at this poem by Kristine O’Connell George, “Toasting Marshmallows”. It’s proved a real favourite amongst the students.



In Maths, we have been learning about fractions. In particular, we have been learning how to find the lowest common denominator for the purpose of comparing, ordering, adding and subtracting fractions. Students have learned how to convert between improper and mixed fractions. Next week we begin a project to demonstrate our knowledge of the unit before moving onto decimals and percentages.



Students are travelling around the world to discover things about different countries, such as festivals, currency and language. At each stop they are completing pages in their digital “passports”. The hope is that students will be able to identify similarities and differences between here and there.


Respectful Relationships

This term we are learning about gender and identity. The sub-topics that we will be exploring are:

  • Born or made? Thinking about gender
  • From words to actions
  • Gender norms in early adolescence
  • Facts about gender and opportunity
  • Growing awareness about human rights

Your child may come home with questions regarding this content. We encourage open and honest conversation.



Thank you to parents who have paid their $50 deposit to secure their child’s place on school camp in Term 4. Please ensure you read the information on the Compass event and pay the deposit by the due date.



  • Please ensure that Grade 6s return their high school transition forms
  • Please continue to monitor Compass for alerts and updates,
  • If you think you might like to volunteer on excursions and events this year, please ensure that you have arranged a valid Working With Children Check and complete the school’s online induction module
  • Please ensure your child brings a charged iPad to school each day


Warm regards,

The Grade 5/6 Team - Laura Bartholomeusz (5/6B), Christina Crosland (5/6C), Emil de Vries (5/6D), Bianca Italiano & Molly Hedditch (5/6I), Kayleen Dumic & Steven Puhar (5/6K) & Melati Cordell (5/6M)