Un Viaje Mágico: A Tale of Spanish Wonders

We now have a title for our upcoming school performance: 'Un Viaje Mágico: A Tale of Spanish Wonders'. The story is filled with adventure, magical machines, empanadas, soccer, llamas, tapas and so many more Spanish and Latin American wonders.
Wednesday 4th of September @7PM
Thursday 5th of September @ 7PM
All students are expected to perform on both nights and we ask that if, for some reason, they are unable to attend, (e.g. due to a booked holiday), could you inform us as soon as possible by sending Felipe a message on Sentral? If your child/children attend lessons or training of some kind on those nights, which may clash with the performances we kindly ask that you swap their sessions for that week. In order to give them the opportunity to attend this special whole school event.
Students across the school have already begun rehearsals, which will form most of their Music and Performing Arts lessons for this term. They have also been busy making props and backdrops in STEAM and visual elements for programs and tickets in Visual Arts.
Tuesday 3rd or September
Wednesday 4th of September
Students will be attending Darebin Arts Centre before the big night. This is a chance to familiarise themselves with the venue, where they will go on the night and have the chance to practise their musical item on stage. More information will come via a Sentral Excursion notice as to which day your child will attend the dress rehearsal.
What do they wear?
Each class has a different dance item and will have their own costume needs. Some parts of the costume will be provided by the school. Please note that some classes have had students make part of the costumes themselves, whereas other classes have reached out to parents requesting help.
A Sentral notice has been sent home to families with a description of the clothing that we would like you to supply. If you are having any problems sourcing these items, you may consider lending some from family or friends. If you still have trouble finding the items you need, please send Margaret a message on Sentral.
More Information to Come
As we progress through the term, more information will be published on this page.
Parents will be notified about tickets, bus transport to the dress rehearsal, times for arriving on the night and any other arrangements necessary.
Please mark the dates in your calendar/diary if you haven't already done so, and don't hesitate to ask if there are any questions at this stage.
Specialist Team