Student Awards & Birthdays

Student Awards will be presented at our School Assembly held every second Friday @ 2.45pm in the Hall (even weeks). The next Assembly is Week 6 - Friday August 23. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Awards presented at Assembly in Week 4 were:-
Foundation |
- Elias Besiso (FBW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for your determination to keep working hard even with a broken arm! You have continued to try your best and have attempted all tasks with a smile. You should be very proud of yourself Illy. Well done!
- Isla Owies (FBW) - ‘Be Your Best’ - Thank you Isla for always showing kindness to others. You continue to use lovely manners and are polite and respectful of your friends and teachers. What a delightful class member you are!
- George Willis (FSC) - ‘Be Your Best’ for working so hard on your reading at school and home. You are doing a great job sounding out words, even if they are really tricky! Keep up the great work George!
- Hazel Pay (FSC) - ‘Be Your Best’ for thinking carefully about where you start your letters to write beautifully on the dotted thirds in your writing book. You should be very proud of yourself!
Year 1 & 2 |
- Pippa Trollope (12MR) - ‘Be Your Best’ for showing an eagerness to learn, by starting work promptly and listening attentively during class discussions.
- Jack Beck (12MR) - ‘Be Your Best’ for participating well in class discussions and by showing a good understanding of topics covered through his detailed and insightful answers.
- Noah Rodrigues (12MR) - ‘Be Your Best’ for an amazing effort with his reading. I am impressed with how you chunk your words and re-read to check for meaning.
- Grace Beck (12GM) - ‘Be Your Best’ for your use of punctuation in your writing. It is brilliant to see you experiment with paragraphs, exclamation marks and talking marks in your writing. Amazing work Grace!
- Dylan King (12GM) - ‘Be Responsible’ for making exceptional choices with your learning in class to ensure that you're always giving it your best effort! You’re making strong growth with your learning across the board. Well done Dylan!
- Laylah Kingdon (12NW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for taking your time when spelling unfamiliar words. Laylah, it’s great to see your confidence develop when spelling tricky words. When you have a go and be brave to spell these words, it's always a pleasure to see. Well done.
- Emma Hull (12NW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for writing an incredible story during our recount writing. Emma, your story was very enjoyable to read. It was written with great detail and was two pages long. Well done.
Year 3 & 4 |
- Alec Everton (34RP) - ‘ Be Your Best’ for having a wonderful start to your first term at St Joseph’s. Your enthusiasm for learning and the way you have been trying your best has been amazing to see. Keep up the great work Alec!
- Nash Hirst (34RP) - ‘Be Your Best’ for focusing on writing neatly and legibly in your writing book while creating some wonderful poems this term. Keep up the fantastic effort Nash!
- Jaxon Wallace (34RP) - ‘Be Your Best’ for trying your best with all writing activities and writing in cursive handwriting. Great work Jaxon! Keep up the amazing effort.
- Eddie Everton (34ZH) - ‘Be Your Best’ for settling into your new classroom so seamlessly. Thank you for the great knowledge and enthusiasm you bring to each lesson and each day! Looking forward to the rest of the year with you Eddie.
- Tommy Shannon (34ZH) - ‘Be Responsible’ for always trying to take responsibility for your own learning. This includes asking for help when you need it as well as trying to do some more challenging tasks. Keep up the great work Tommy!
- Hunter Northey (34LD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for taking great pride in your work. Hunter it is wonderful to see you taking care to ensure that you are producing your best work. Well done!
Year 5 & 6 |
- Campbell Parker (56LB) - ‘Be Your Best’ for showcasing his understanding of fractions through his creation of a delicious ‘Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies’ recipe. Campbell put 110% effort into this task and should be proud of himself.
- Ella Cornish (56LB) - ‘Be Your Best’ for creating different types of figurative language on the topic of the Olympics. Ella, keep looking to get the best out of yourself during class time. Well done!
- Chippy Francis (56TD) - ‘Be Responsible’ for his effort in the classroom. Chippy has listened carefully, contributed to discussions and worked hard to complete his work in the classroom. Keep up the good work Chippy.
- Harvey McMillan (56TD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for his excellent homework. Harvey consistently completes his homework to a very high standard, including logging his reading on Kluwell each week. Well done Harvey.
- Devaj Dhungana (56EN) - ‘Be Your Best’ - Devaj, the way you approach all of your tasks is commendable. The care, dedication and creativity you show in your presentation is a credit to you. A great achiever!
- Paddy Treanor (56EN) - ‘Be Your Best’ - Paddy, your homework shows creativity, planning and care. All of the components are completed to a high standard and the artwork is amazing. Well done!
- Carrie Lakey (56EN) - ‘Be Your Best’ for the way you contribute to class activities, discussions and overall learning. Carrie, you are vibrant and enthusiastic and see the positives in your learning tasks. A great role model.
We wish many happy returns to all August birthdays - Illy Besiso (FBW), Mitchell Picot (56LB), Eddie Everton (34ZH), Charlee Fisher (FSC), Jaxson Knysak (34RP), Abbie Hilson (34ZH), Nash Hirst (34RP), Logan Vear (12NW), Ethan Fraser (56EN), Flynn Watters (56LB), Madelynn Kairns (56EN), George Willis (FSC) and Jaxon Wallace (34RP).
We also wish Mrs Ryan, Mrs Ludeman, Mrs Brown (the old one) and Mr Hare a very happy birthday. Mrs Ludeman is celebrating a very special birthday so an extra - hip! hip! hooray!