P & F News 


WELCOME BACK, families, for Term 3. The P&F committee hopes that each of you had a restful and joyous break! What and exciting term the P&F have planned for you. Please read on for more information!

Upcoming Term 3 Events/Activities:

Grandparent’s Day – Friday 26th July

P&F Meeting – Tuesday 30th July

Uniform Stall – Friday 2nd August, 3 pm

Trivia Night – Friday 9th August, 6:30 pm

Frittole Making Class, Session 1 – Monday 19th August

Frittole Making Class, Session 2 – Wednesday 28th August

Father’s Day Stall – Wednesday 28th August

Father’s Day Event – Friday 30th August

Apple Slinky Fridays – Will come back in Term 3

Grandparents' Day

LET THE GRANDPARENTS KNOW that on Friday, 26th July, St. Fidelis' School is hosting Grandparents' Day.  A beautiful assembly, followed by activities with the children, and a morning tea will be provided for our amazing Grandparents. 


Like last year, we ask that families once again support this event by providing the school with a SHARE PLATE for their morning tea. Breakfast scrolls, biscuits, cakes, slices, muffins, doughnuts, etc, are just some ideas.  We only ask that you refrain from including nuts. Coffee and Tea will also be provided to Grandparents. The shared plate can be dropped off at the school hall on the morning of the event. We thank you in advance for your assistance in making this event a memorable one for the loving and supportive Grandparents of our St. Fidelis Community.

Uniform Stall AND 2nd Hand Uniform Donations

The next 2nd hand uniform stall will run on Friday 2nd August, at 3pm in the school staffroom. A reminder that this is a cash only stall and if you could please bring your own bag for your purchased goods. We welcome any donations of second-hand uniforms for our upcoming stalls. Please ensure that the uniforms:

  • Are in acceptable condition with no fading, missing logos or stains.
  • Have a school logo or are PSW labelled, therefore no Kmart/Target/etc. purchases.
  • Are in a clean condition.

Please place your items in a bag and hand into the school office to donate. 

Many thanks.

Apple Slinky Fridays

RETURNING for Term 3, every 2nd Friday, beginning in Week 1 – due to POPULAR DEMAND!


Thank you to all the committee members who give up their time on Fridays to run this event for our children, you are greatly appreciated. And thank you to the parents for supporting this event by providing your children with an apple and $1 coin.

Trivia Night - Friday 9th August

Proudly Sponsored by Anthony Zaita, Senior Financial Planner, AHR Private Wealth.


Upcoming on Friday 9th August, is the ADULTS ONLY St, Fidelis' Trivia Night. YOU CAN NOW PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS THROUGH QUICKCLIQ, by following these steps:

  1. Log into QuickCliq.com.au 
  2. Click on the EVENTS TAB from the drop-down menu – select Trivia Night.
  3. Select either single tickets for $20 OR table (group of 10) tickets for $200.
  4. Select shipping details as ‘pickup’.
  5. IMPORTANT – Fill in the parent details, including YOUR TEAM NAME and NAMES OF YOUR TEAM MEMBERS in the NOTES section.
  6. Pay for your tickets.

*150 tickets available for purchase, and they will be sold on a first-in, first-serve basis, so get in quick! TICKETS ARE ALMOST SOLD OUT!


The P&F are really looking forward to hosting this event and the fun that it will bring, including live and silent auctions, games and lots of laughs!

Please see the below flyer for further information.

Frittole Making Class 

Learn how to make homemade Italian Frittole with Paula Calabro on either Monday, 19th August, OR Wednesday, 28th August. Only $30 per person, limited to 22 people per class, tickets will be released soon.

  • Venue: St. Fidelis' Staffroom. 
  • Start time: 7 pm. 
  • Finish time: Approximately 8:30 pm.

Paula will teach the craft of Frittole making followed by taste testing (YUM!) and each person who attends will also leave with their very own batter of Frittole to make at home. A glass of champagne provided on arrival, too! We hope to see you there!

Father’s Day Stall & Event

Further information on these events will be released in Term 3. Thank you.

Family Fun Night – SAVE THE DATE!

Saturday, November 16th (Term 4). $55 per adult, $30 per child—includes antipasto share plates, pasta, and dessert. Drinks are NOT INCLUDED! Further information on this event will be released in Term 3!

THANK-YOU for taking the time to stay updated with the P&F NEWS!

Please, if you have any ideas to help with fundraising or event organisation, general queries relating to P&F NEWS, can provide goods/services for use in fundraising events or if you would like to join our team, please contact:

JOSIE SERVELLO – 0421 076 580   josieservello@gmail.com     

REBECCA KOUTIVAS – 0430 344 194   bterra86@gmail.com

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