Learning & Teaching 

Learning and Teaching encompasses the following areas: Student Outcomes, Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting, Principles and Pedagogy.



Our aim at St. Fidelis is to create learning environments that cultivate curiosity and create confident, capable, and creative learners. Through our shared Inquiries, teachers will engage students in learning opportunities that allow them to work as collaborators, self-managers, communicators, and researchers.  


This term, our focus will be on design and creativity. Teachers will address the Victorian curriculum's science and design technologies domains. 

Whole School Concept-  NATURAL SYSTEMS 

Understanding the systems have observable components that work together and make them function as a whole. Understanding systems can help us understand life on Earth and how the earth works to support life. Systems can be found in plants, animals and space. Understanding that systems work alone and in conjunction with other systems. Understanding the role of people within natural systems we are dependent on them for our survival but also affect them throughout their actions. 



Year 1 & 2

Year 3 & 4 

Year 5 & 6

Inquiry Focus




 An Inquiry Into:

Living things and their basic needs. (eg. food, water, shelter, air) 

How living things can grow in different ways.  

An Inquiry Into:

Living things and their basic needs. (eg. food, water, shelter, air) 

How can living things grow and change over time?   

An Inquiry Into:

The relationships that assist the survival of living things. 


 An Inquiry Into: 

The science of different systems and how each part of the system plays a vital role.  

This term is going to be a busy and exciting one. Look at what we have planned in Inquiry and as a community!


Excursion and Incursion 

  • Years 1/2 and 5/6 Incursion- Engineers Without Borders 
  • Melbourne Zoo - Foundation Students 
  • Years 3/4 and 5/6 Science Works 

NAIDOC Week at St. Fidelis 15/7 - 19/7/2024 

This year’s NAIDOC theme is ‘Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud!’

NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth.  NAIDOC week is an opportunity for our people to come together in a positive and cultural context. It encourages families, communities, and elders to recognise the enormous contribution that mobs make to the community. Celebrating the unyielding spirit of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, this year’s theme represents the enduring strength of Indigenous cultures and is an unapologetic celebration of Indigenous identity. 


Grandparents morning (Friday, 26th July)

The morning will start with mass to celebrate the feast day of St. Anne, the grandmother of Jesus. The celebration will continue with an opportunity for all grandparents to work with their grandchild/ren in their learning spaces, followed by a special morning tea from the parents and friends committee. The students can’t wait to welcome their grandparents to the school.


100 Days of School for Foundation students 

Our Foundation students will celebrate the milestone of 100 days of learning. Mrs Wenckoski has some fun and exciting activities planned for these days. I can’t wait to see the incredible costumes. 


Fire Education Visits  

Fire Ed for the Foundation students involves two visits to our school by the Fire Rescue Melbourne. On the first visit, the firefighters will facilitate a program about the essentials of fire safety. On their second visit, students will have the opportunity to explore the fire truck.  Students will also have activities to complete at home. Ms Wenckoski will send more information to families closer to the dates. 



With Mr. Frazetto, six teams are designing a product, service, or innovation that will Make A Difference (MAD) to others or the environment. All six teams will submit an entry, and we can’t wait to see which entries make the final showcase.

The six groups designed an invention to make a difference in the following areas- 

  • Space
  • Health
  • Social Wellbeing
  • Sustainability
  • Safety
  • Environmental

 Mr Frazzetto will showcase all the entries on his newsletter page. 


Bullying No Way: National Week of Action 12/8/16/82024

Bullying No Way: National Week of Action is a bullying prevention initiative that connects schools and communities to find workable solutions to bullying and violence. This year’s theme is Everyone Belongs. Belonging keeps us connected and is a powerful protection against bullying. There are five focus areas that schools can choose to focus on:Each year, thousands of schools across Australia join in to promote inclusion, respect and belonging. And it's more than just schools getting involved. Individuals, early childhood providers, community groups and sports organisations also play essential roles in the lives of young people – helping create places where they feel included and belong.


Book Week  Saturday, 17 August to Friday, 23 August 2024

This year’s theme is Reading is Magic. See our Literacy page for upcoming activities for book week.  


Father’s Day Breakfast and Assembly 30th August 2024 

Our celebration will include breakfast, morning prayer,  assembly and activities in the learning space with your child. All dads are welcome to join for any part of the morning.  We are looking forward to seeing all the dads. 

SPORTS NEWS - Michael Jennings

SSV Interschool Sport Competition

The Coburg District Athletics Carnival will be held at the Coburg Athletics Track on Wednesday 7 August 2024, commencing at 9.50am and concluding at 2.00pm.

100m, 200m, 800m, 4 x 100m relay, high jump, long jump, triple jump, discus & shot put events are conducted for the following age groups:

9/10 Years

11 Years

12/13 Years      


During Term 2, athletics field event trials have been conducted for Years 3-6 in our PE lessons. During the next 2 weeks, track event trials will be conducted during the Year 3-6 sport sessions held on Fridays. Team selection will be completed by the conclusion of Term 3 Week 2 and the St Fidelis' Athletics Team will be finalised.


Year 3/4 Sport

Our Year 3/4 students will be participating in their final Miniroos soccer clinics on Friday 19  July.  Session Times: 10.00am & 11.40am.


Also, St Fidelis has received confirmation that our Year 3/4 students will participate in Australian Rules clinics conducted by a qualified coach during Term 3. Funding for these programs are provided through the Sporting Schools Funding Program. Dates are yet to be finalised.


Manchester City Soccer Clinics

St Fidelis' Primary School has been offered an opportunity for a selection of our Year 5 students to participate in the Manchester City Football (Soccer) Primary School Program.


The program is conducted at Parade Secondary College, Bundoora. Parade College organises free transport to and from the College for the program to be conducted for a maximum of 15 students from St Fidelis.


It was decided to offer this opportunity firstly to our Year 5 members of the St Fidelis' Soccer Teams and students from Year 4 who play soccer.


The Manchester City Football Program has been developed to give primary school students an opportunity to build on their soccer skills and sportsmanship by participating in a series of workshops and drills led by the Manchester City Football School coach, Mick Bennett and their Sport Academy students.


The program will be held on the following dates during Term 3. Bus departs at 8.30am and arrives back at school at 11.00am:

Wednesday 24 July

Wednesday 31 July