Around the Primary Classes

That's a wrap on Term 1 at the Early Learning Centre (ELC) and what a wonderful term it has been witnessing the wonderful transition of our ELC students as they immerse themselves in their new environment. It's heartwarming to see how quickly they are settling in, building strong cooperative relationships with both their peers and our dedicated educators.
We're especially proud to offer access to the specialized classes provided by Mount Carmel, which our ELC students are thoroughly enjoying. From music to PE, library to Japanese, and dance to Nature Play, they are engaging with enthusiasm and curiosity, showcasing their creative thinking skills in every activity.
Should you have any questions about our ELC program or your child's experience, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your child's growth and happiness are our utmost priorities, and we're here to support you every step of the way.
One of the many benefits of being a College, is the ability to come together to support the learning and development of every child from Kinder to Year 10.
In Kinder, this term, we have been blessed with the opportunity to spend some time, each week, with Year 10 VET Child Studies class. They have joined us for lots of learning and playing, with the ‘big girls’.
We are very excited for this partnership to continue throughout the year, where the Kinder students will get to develop their knowledge and skills alongside older students, who will explore the nuances and complexities of working in the early childhood space.
Here are some snapshots from our favourite time of the week.
What a wonderful first Term we have had in Prep! We have enjoyed making new friends and playing together. We have been busy in the classroom learning many new sounds and we can now read and write words with the sounds we know. We have completed some wonderful artwork. Some of our biggest highlights were the Swimming Carnival, nature play and the Easter Bonnet Parade!
Each of the Prep students have chosen their own highlight:
Evelyn: I have enjoyed going to nature play and playing in the trees.
Nora: I was proud of myself for learning new things.
Sophie: I liked when we made our Easter Bonnets and went to the parade.
Lucy: I have enjoyed playing with my friends.
Madison: I loved making my Easter Bonnet and going to the parade.
Florence: I have enjoyed playing in the playground with my friends.
Avnoor: I enjoyed reading with my partner when we started ‘fluency ‘pairs’.
Violet J: I enjoyed the swimming carnival because we got to play games at the end.
Violet S: I am happy to have met new friends and learn new things.
Cali: I like doing contemplation and having time for quiet.
Mavis: I have enjoyed playing with my friends and playing the queen game.
Tenulie: I like playing on the basketball court and running.
Lyla: I like going to PE and running.
Sabiha: I loved going to the swimming pool and being in the water and doing some tricks.
Hollie: I loved making my Easter Bonnet for the parade.
Ava-May: I have enjoyed playing in the playground with my friends.
Elise: I loved the swimming carnival, it was so fun because I love water.
Jasmina: I have enjoyed learning new things and getting better at things.
Finley: I liked going to the swimming carnival because the water is fun and very splashy.
Year 1
As part of our Easter celebrations in Year 1, we made Easter hats. We cut out our decorations and the teacher gave us a sparkly hat. Some were pink and purple and some were blue. Melanie got pink and I got purple. Zephie was the only one with a blue hat. There were little pretend eggs and toy chicks to stick on our hats, and stickers. We had an Easter egg hunt with our buddies and in the Easter Hat Parade, the Year 1s got to walk around and show the judges our hats. All the Year 1s had so much fun and we got to high-five people. Some were very impressed with our hats.
by Melanie Hoang and Florence Jakimowicz
Year 2
This term in Year 2 has been full of different learning opportunities and fun activities. Here are some of our favourite activities this term...
- Making our Easter Bonnet and participating in the parade
- Learning lots of new things in InitiaLit
- Making our Growth Mindset Box in health
- Having Questacon Science visit the school
- Listening to the Godly Play stories in Religion
- Participating in the Palm Sunday re-enactment
- Going to the pool for the swimming carnival
- Having an Easter egg hunt with our Year 5 buddies
- Learning about artefacts and things from the past in History
- Participating in lots of different brain breaks
- Using the whiteboards in maths to show our thinking
- Making an origami pencil case in Japanese
We can't wait to see what exciting opportunities happen next term.
Year 3
Year 3 have had a jam-packed term full of building routines, making new friends, and a whole heap of learning.
We have got to know our Cadet Teacher, Miss Jasmine Wallace, every Wednesday as she has read us stories and helped up to develop our art skills as we create our Australian Animal mixed media artworks.
In the final weeks of Term 1, we were lucky enough to have a day exploring Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary. This was the perfect way to finish our learning in our Integrated HaSS and Science Unit in which we have been learning about many things including animal groups, the characteristics of living things, and the states and territories of Australia.
Easter was a real highlight of the term as we hunted for Easter eggs and read stories with our Kinder buddies.
Mrs. Hall's Literacy group have been reading Matilda by Roald Dahl. As we read and learn we are starting to plan our own narratives that we will compile into a class book!
We can't wait to see what is in store for us in Term 2.
Year 4
Year 4 have had a great start to the year with a very busy term! In English, we have worked hard to improve our sentence structure, increase the use of descriptive language in writing and learnt about punctuation rules for direct speech. Students have worked hard to progress their times tables recall in Maths and have had fun learning about decimals using chocolate! In Science, we have explored different forces and have made timelines in HaSS, paving the way for more History in Term 2. Student have also created wonderful artworks and Easter Bonnets. We wish everyone a safe and relaxing holiday and look forward to Term 2.
Year 5
What fun we have had in Year 5 this term.
Getting to know ourselves and our classmates through art, learning and an overnight camp.
Last week we hosted the Primary assembly and our theme was community. We have been working on building community with the acronym - TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More.
A few weeks ago the two Year 5 classes came together to enjoy an engaging and thought-provoking MJR session with Marty Ogle. We talked about a lot of different things to do with living in the spirit of Jesus, such as saying “thank you” to people, helping out at home, and being a positive person. One of the big lessons that Marty taught us was to always be a TEAM player.
Year 6 Navy
6 Navy have had a fun filled term full of new Mathematical concepts including BODMAS and mastering the fundamentals of mathematical operations.
They completed migration interviews, where the students interviewed someone they know who has migrated to Australia. The students were able to listen to stories and experiences, gain empathy and understanding for challenges and triumphs our interviewees encountered as well as broadening their perspective of the world. Utilising this newly embodied knowledge the students created their own migration story where they drew, painted and colored pictures for their creative story book as well as applying their critical thinking skills.
During the Holy season, the students in 6 Navy spent time learning about the life of Jesus as well as participating in the Stations of the Cross, reflecting on Jesus’s teachings, compassion and sacrifice.
The class made Easter Bonnets and participated in the Primary Easter bonnet parade. This was loads of fun, especially seeing they were allowed to eat some chocolate eggs while they were getting creative!
6 Navy have had a wonderful start to their last year of Primary School. Already so many memories have been shared, achievements accomplished and goals reached.
Year 6 White
And so, just like that, a very busy term comes to an end for Year 6 White.
We’ve spent our time learning what it takes to be young leaders, designing and building world-changing inventions, discovering how to write with clarity and confidence, investigating the order of the mathematical world around us, and showcasing the stories of the many migrants who call this place home.
In between, we have learnt how to balance a busy schedule, organise our time wisely, care for our College community and environment, and enhance our own wellbeing. What a jam-packed Term 1!
We are all so grateful for how our family, friends, and College staff have supported us through this busy time. We are definitely ready for a short holiday break before we come back to do it all again in Term 2. Happy and safe holidays, everyone!