Parents' Association

President- Mrs Jordan, Vice President - Mrs Di Gennaro, Treasurer - Mrs van Prooyen, Secretary - Mrs Ross, Fundraising Co-ordinator - Ms Berardini, Community Engagement - Mrs Edgcumbe,  Class Rep Coordinator - Mrs Campbell/Mrs Heard

PA News

Colour Fun Run

All the prizes for the colour run have now been ordered. We expect to receive the prizes early in Term 2, we will let everyone know when they are being sent home with the kids. 


Our final fundraising amount is $22,592, which is all going directly to the school for new fun and colourful furniture for the library/well being space. We will provide some photos once items have been ordered and set up. 


Thanks again to Dallas Taylor, from Jellis Craig, for being our wonderful MC at the colour run and for sponsoring our major fundraiser!


Easter Raffle

Raffle is drawn today at the final assembly today, 2pm.  Good Luck everyone!


Monica Jordan

Parents' Association Co-ordinator