School News

School drop-offs and pick-ups
It’s great to see lots of people using the road with care with the growing school and kindy community.
Please be careful entering from Swamp Road, only enter on the left-hand side of the ticket entry box, and travel in an anticlockwise direction around the oval.
In the next few weeks, temporary bollards will be put in place on the right hand side at school drop off time as a reminder.
Please also remember that access to the school and kindergarten for drop off and pick up is one way from Swamp Rd, with exit onto Greenhill Rd or continuing anticlockwise and exiting again onto Swamp Rd.
Please don’t access the school or kindy from Greenhill Rd.
It is much safer for everyone to have traffic flowing one way, so while we know it might be inconvenient for some families, it’s important to the community.
We are also pleased to advise we are also working with the Council and the Department on an upgrade of the road, so hopefully it won’t be so bumpy for much longer.
Tuck shop thank you Alex's class
Thank you to the following parents who helped to organise and Alex's class tuck shop last week:
Min Johannsen
Jodi Braley
Jess DeCampe
Emily Brodie-Tyrrell
Carla Koay
OSHC Vac Care Program
Free Books!
Our little Street Libraries are overflowing with donations, and we'd love you to come and choose a book to take home! There are 2 libraries at the entrance to the school; one for kids and one for adults. Come and find a treasure or two to take home for free!
Easter raffle
Easter is on its way again and the Parents and Friends are doing their famous annual Easter raffle!
You can help in two ways.
1. Bring donations for prizes to the front office. These can be Easter items to go in baskets or other items suitable for a raffle but no alcohol please.
2. Sell/buy raffle tickets. Books of 10 tickets will be sent home with kids, week starting Tuesday 12 March. If you want more tickets to sell or buy yourself you can get them from the front office. Prizes drawn at Sports Day, Thursday 28 March.
Emergency readiness
This week students in Years 3 and 4 participated in a disaster resilience education program run by Australian Red Cross, called the Pillowcase Workshop.
Designed to help children prepare for, cope with and respond to an emergency, the workshop included a discussion about the importance of being prepared, as well as interactive activities to help students prepare their minds for an emergency and consider what to pack in an emergency kit. Each student was given a pillowcase to decorate and take home, to start their own personal emergency kit.
Whether your child participated in the workshop or not, Red Cross would encourage all of us to get prepared for the emergencies that life throws at us. They have also stressed how important it is to not only make an emergency plan but to discuss and practise that plan with children.
Getting your household prepared:
Red Cross have provided a checklist of actions to prepare our households and children for emergencies. I encourage you, if you haven’t already, to complete these as a household.
- All the children in our house know what an emergency is (a serious, dangerous and scary situation where help might be needed)
- All the children in our house know how to stay calm by ‘breathing with colour’ (slowly breathing in their favourite colour and then slowly exhaling their least favourite colour to regulate their breathing)
- All the children in our house know how and when to call for help (For guidance visit
- We have a safe meeting place outside our house and have practised how to get there
- We know who to call if we can’t find each other
- We have an emergency kit packed ready to go if we have to leave our house quickly.
For further guidance or to create a household emergency plan you can download Australian Red Cross’ Get Prepared app or visit
Sunshine ice blocks
Have you tried the new ice blocks being sold at the Willow Cafe on Fridays after assembly? They are locally made, all-natural, environmentally friendly and most importantly, delicious! Sunshine Ice Blocks | Sunshine Ice Blocks
Bulb Fundraiser
Support Uraidla Primary School and beautify your garden at the same time.
Uraidla Primary School is kicking off fundraising for 2024 through the sale of beautiful bulbs. Get your orders in before April 11th by following these three easy steps:
- Go to the Uraidla Fundraising Page
- Select your bulbs and proceed to checkout
- Enter payment details and YOUR postal address for delivery
Anyone is welcome to place an order, but make sure you get in early to avoid your favourites being sold out. Postage is a flat fee of $6.50 and is sent via the Aust Post network. Enjoy planting your bulbs!
Uraidla Primary School Parents and Friends
Enrolment in Reception
If you have a child turning 5 this year, it's time to enrol them to start school. There are some changes this year, and children will either start school in July this year or at the start of 2025, depending on their age.
We are now finalising Reception enrolments for the 2024 mid-year intake.
Enrolments for the start of 2025 should be finalised by July 5 this year. Please contact the front office for an enrolment pack!
Maria's Kitchen
Hello all,
For a while there has been an issue with loading the QKR app on to later Android phones. (iPhones are not affected)
The QKR team has advised us this has been fixed so if you have been having trouble and wish to try our lunch service, now is the time!
Once again, we apologise for the inconvenience and thank everyone for their patience.
Kind regards,
Maria and Steve