Family Educator's Corner

Mrs Elena Razzoli

Almight Father, who sent your only Son Jesus Christ 

to save us from our sin

show me how I can honor you and gring glory to your name

by walking in the way of Jesus

Give me grace and mercy as I try and fail

guidance when I'm not sure which way to go

and wisdom to trust you in all things

For your love brings light and life to all who seek it

May I seek you ever more as I wlk with you 

through this Holy Week and beyond


Holy Thursday Booklet


The Triduum Explained Including Why There is No Mass on Good Friday and When Jesus Resurrected

I would like to invite all Parents, Carers and Grandparents to sit down with a cuppa tonight and watch this video by Fr Chris Alar.

Visitation of the Seven Churches Pilgrimage Tonight

Please, find here attached the booklet with the info and details for tonight’s Visitation of the seven-churches-pilgrimage. 

Please, find here below some very important information about how to obtain plenary indulgences during Holy Week, let’s not miss this precious opportunity. 

Divine Mercy Novena 

The Diving Mercy Novena is starting tomorrow Friday, 29th March 2024. On Sunday next wek (7 April) we will celebrate the wonderful Divine Mercy Sunday. I would like to invite everyone to start praying the daily Divine Mercy Novena tomorrow (Good Friday: 29th March 2024) for 9 days. Please email me at if you’d like me to email you daily reminders. Here is the Divine Mercy Novena and click here for a Devotion to Devine Mercy. 

Paint & Sip

Save the Date! Mums, aunties and grandma's Paint & Sip on Friday 31st May.

Years 3-6 Family Mass

The Years 3-6 Family Mass is on Sunday 7th April at 10am followed by morning tea.

Cabrini Movie

If any parents, grandparents or carers are interested in watching the movie Cabrini, please email by Wednesday 3 April 2024 stating what days of the week/weekend and times will be better for you, and I will organise a get together so that we can all go and watch the movie together.

Here is the official trailer and here is Fr Mike Schmitz's review of the movie. 

Easter Mass Times

Thank you

Finally, many, many thanks to:

  •  All the families who donated wonderful prizes for the Easter raffle, and a very big thank-you to our P&F for all their great work for the raffle!! Congratulations to the many winners!
  • All the children who made beautiful Easter cards for the residents of local nursing homes
  • All the mums who came to volunteer at St Merkorious Charity this past Monday.

Continued prayers assured for all St Martha’s families for a most blessed and joy-filled Easter.


God Bless

Elena Razzoli

Family Educator