A Message from the
Assistant Principal
Mr Steven Belcastro
A Message from the
Assistant Principal
Mr Steven Belcastro
This week we have commemorated the significant events of Holy Week. Holy Week is the week between Palm Sunday and Easter. It is a special time devoted to the Passion of Jesus. Holy Week leads up to the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
The Resurrection reminds us of God's unconditional love and gives us a great source of hope for our future with God! Pope Francis reminds us “Let us start over from amazement. Let us gaze upon Jesus on the cross and say to him: “Lord, how much you love me! How precious I am to you!” Let us be amazed by Jesus so that we can start living again, for the grandeur of life lies not in possessions and promotions, but in realising that we are loved.”
Well done to all our Year 3 and Year 5 students on completing their recent NAPLAN assessments. We are extremely proud of our students' hard work and dedication to their learning. NAPLAN is one form of assessment that we use to monitor student patterns, growth and achievement. Our teachers also have a deep knowledge of where each student is at through their day to day assessments and observations in class. Thank you to the Year 3 and Stage 3 Teachers and Support Staff involved.
Earlier this week a Compass notification was shared asking for parents to respond to a survey around wellbeing. Thank you to those who have completed the survey already. While all results are annonymous, the data will help us to plan wellbeing initiatives as a school and as part of our Ashfield-Olympic Park Network of schools.
A reminder that Parent/Teacher interviews will be held on Monday 8 & Tuesday 9 April. Bookings can be made through your Compass portal. If you have any questions, please call or email the school office.
Wishing all a grace filled, and joyful Easter with your family.
Steven Belcastro
Assistant Principal