A Message from the Principal
Mrs Carolyn Parsell
A Message from the Principal
Mrs Carolyn Parsell
Dear Parents,
What a beautiful week of prayer and preparation for Easter. Each grade has contributed to beautiful prayer assemblies this week with many parents joining us each morning. The students have led the prayer, reflection and singing to recall the events of Holy Week. It has been truly inspiring to see the school community gather in prayerful reflection. Today's reflection on Good Friday demonstrated such reverence and the singing reminded us of how much God loves us. I hope all our St Martha's families enjoy a truly blessed Easter break. Please see the Family Educator's message for details of Holy Week services at St Martha's.
A huge thank-you to all who supported our Easter raffle fundraiser. Many thanks to all who purchased tickets and donated prizes. Special thanks to the parents who wrapped and organised the prizes and helped with the draw. There were 109 prizes, so there were many happy winners. The funds raised will be used to provide additional reading resources and help with some furniture upgrades.
Many thanks to those who have generously donated prizes for the Mothers' Day Raffle. If you have any connections or are able to make a donation of a prize, it would be most gratefully received.
It is a requirement that all parent volunteers must complete mandatory training each year to be able to help in the school. A message was sent earlier this week on Compass about dates coming up for induction sessions. If you are unable to attend either of the dates available, and would like to undertake induction, please email the office with the days of the week you would be able to attend so that we can plan future opportunities which will better suit. We value the support of our parent volunteers.
Holy Thursday is always a higlight of the Easter Triduum for me as the focus is on loving service. The washing of the feet shows Jesus' example of service and is a wonderful model for us to follow. As we head into the Easter break, let us pray for grace to continue to serve God in all we do.
"Loving God, We praise you in a special way today as we celebrate Holy Thursday. Be with us as we continue our journey through Holy Week, that we may more closely align our lives with yours, knowing our call to serve others following the example you gave. We ask this through Christ, our Lord."
Peace and best wishes,
Carolyn Parsell