From the Classroom

Foundation and Year Six Buddies
This week our Foundation and Year Six buddies spent some time getting to know each other.
The students were really excited! It is a great leadership opportunity for our enthusiastic Year Six students and it's wonderful to connect Foundation students with supportive peers to strengthen their connections to their new school. We look forward to working together regularly throughout the year.
Grade 3 Art
This week we embarked on a new adventure to create finger painted flowers inspired by artists Clementine Hunter and Edouard Manet. We discussed the similarities and differences between their work, and looked at the ways Manet in particular uses colour and texture to create the illusion of three dimensions in his work. Before designing and painting our flowers, we had some fun exploring mark marking with our hands, to see what different textures and shapes we can make with different parts of our hands. You can tell by the smiles on the Grade 3’s faces that they had a ball! Next week the design process will begin. Can’t wait to see what they come up with.
Many thanks to Lil’s mum, Talayah Brown for making these awesome cord keepers for us! Our headphone cords will now be neat and tidy inside our lockers.