Toolamba Primary School 150 year Celebration

Toolamba Primary School Past and Present pupils
In 2024 Toolamba Primary school is turning 150 years old. In the lead up to these celebrations, our community would love to read about past and present students of the school.
Ideally, a current student is to interview a past student (they do not need to be related) and return typed answers to
Profiles will be published on the Toolamba website and school newsletter.
What year did you start (and finish) at Toolamba Primary School?
Who is / was your favourite teacher and why?
What is / was your favourite subject?
How do / did you get to school?
What was in your lunch bag?
What did you and your friends do for fun after school hours?
What was your least favourite thing about school?
What do / did you want to become when you grow up?
Past student – What are you doing now you are grown up?
A brief story about your life after Toolamba Primary school. (Career, family, travel, hobbies etc)
Permission to share photo of child in Toolamba newsletter / Toolamba website.
Signed by parent.
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