Principal's Report

Dear families,
Our celebration is quickly approaching and we are putting the final touches on the plan as well as working with the Shepparton News on the commemorative feature. At the opening ceremony we would like as many students as possible to sing a song they have learnt at school. On XUNO we are asking for helpers on the day and whether your child can attend.
In the week leading up to the event, on Tuesday 16th April the students will be celebrating 150 years of schooling. The theme will be "Come Dressed in an Olden Day Costume." It will be a dress up day where the children can come in an olden day’s costume. Throughout the day they will be participating in olden day games and activities.
12.30pm – BBQ lunch available (Help with cooking required)
1.00pm – Official Registration starts
2.00pm – MC Sam Birrell Federal Member for Nichols opens official agenda
- School Council President/Principal welcome
- Whole school song
- Outline of School History
- Invite Pat Bathman and Jep Ferguson to unveil plaque.
- Planting of tree – Sam Birrell
- Time Capsule – Invite anyone with items to include to come forward.
- Cutting of cake.
2.30pm Invite attendees to take a guided tour of the school with current students
3.00pm Toolamba Wrens CWA Afternoon tea in the Community Centre.
5.30 Close and adjourn to Junction Hotel
SUNDAY 21st April
Lions Community Breakfast at the Community Centre, Sunday morning commencing at 8.30am. There will be a coffee van in attendance.
We are inviting any businesses or people who have a hobby that they have turned into a business opportunity to set up a stall in or near the Community Hall on Saturday 20th.
On the Saturday afternoon the Parents and Friends will be manning a drink stall. The school is responsible for cooking the BBQ. We would love some volunteers to help on the day. If you can assist please complete the form on Xuno.
Currently students in Grade 3 and 5 are participating in NAPLAN testing. It is the only national assessment all Australian students have the opportunity to undertake. As students progress through their school years, it is important to check how well they are learning the essential skills of reading, writing and numeracy. NAPLAN assesses the literacy and numeracy skills that students are learning through the school curriculum and allows parents/carers to see how their child is progressing against national proficiency standards.
NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process. It does not replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance, but it can provide teachers with additional information about students’ educational progress. NAPLAN also provides schools, education authorities and governments with information about how education programs are working and whether young Australians are achieving important educational outcomes in literacy and numeracy.
Wednesday 14th Writing
Thursday 15th Reading
Tuesday 19th Language Conventions
Wednesday 20th Numeracy
As you can see from last year's results, historically Toolamba P.S has performed very well on NAPLAN compared to Similar Schools and the State.
The first fundraiser for the year is an Easter Raffle. Donations can be sent to the school. Proceeds from the raffle will go towards badminton equipment for the school. If you would like to purchase a ticket they are available on QKr for $2 each.
Next Wednesday, Danny Hyndman will once again be working with staff. Danny will be modelling a reading lesson in classes across the school. A follow up day will be had in Term 2 when we will have a Curriculum Day on May 13th to continue our learning.
On Saturday, staff will be completing their annual first aid training with Rich River First Aid. We are very fortunate to have such a committed staff who give up their time at weekends to keep their qualifications up to date.
Before and after school
Toolamba Primary School’s grounds are supervised by school staff from 8.45am until 3.30pm. Outside of these hours, school staff will not be available to supervise students.
If a student arrives at school before supervision commences at the beginning of the day, the principal or nominee staff member will, as soon as practicable, follow up with the parent/carer to:
- advise of the supervision arrangements before school
- request that the parent/carer make alternate arrangements.
If a student is not collected before supervision finishes at the end of the day, the principal or nominee staff member will consider whether it is appropriate to:
- attempt to contact the parents/carers.
- attempt to contact the emergency contacts.
- place the student in an out of school hours care program (if available and the parent consents)
For further details related to supervision please refer to our Yard Duty Supervision Policy on our website.
On Monday 25th March at 6pm, we will be holding our AGM where the Annual Report will be presented. Following the AGM, at 6.30pm we will hold the first meeting of our newly formed Council. Light refreshments will be provided. Nominations have closed for school council, and we would like to take this opportunity to welcome or new members Renee Ewart, Morgan Lang, Charlotte Livesay, Karli Burney, Hayley Stammers and Lauren Hicks. Thank you to Simon Robinson, Justin Young, Ashlee Clowes and Jon Calvert who have renominated.
Toolamba Primary School is listed on the Bush Fire At Risk Register.
School preparedness and pre-emptive actions for the bushfire season
Fire danger ratings indicate how dangerous a fire would be if one started in those conditions and provide clear direction on the safest options for preserving life. They can be a trigger for action in community and for school and household level fire plans.
Schools and children’s services listed on the Department of Education and Training’s Bushfire At-Risk Register (BARR) and those at some lower risk of bushfire or grassfire on the Category 4 list will be closed when a Catastrophic fire danger rating day is forecast in their Bureau of Meteorology district.
Schools and early childhood services listed on the Department of Education and Training’s Bushfire At-Risk Register (BARR) and those at lower risk of bushfire or grassfire on the Category 4 list take pre-emptive actions on elevated fire danger days to minimise the risk of being caught in a fire in these conditions. The category of risk (per the BARR or Category 4 list) determines the actions that the school or early childhood service will need to take on days of elevated fire danger.
Our school has been identified as being one of these schools at high bushfire or grassfire risk and is a BARR school.
Our school will close on a day forecasted as Catastrophic fire danger rating in Greater Shepparton City fire district.
The department will advise our school of the potential for a Catastrophic fire danger rating as information becomes available, however the pre-emptive closure will be confirmed by 1pm the day prior to Catastrophic fire danger day.
Fire danger ratings are forecast by the Bureau of Meteorology up to four days in advance. Should a Catastrophic day be forecast, we will notify you of the potential closure by an email, push notification and SMS. Closure of the school due to a forecast Catastrophic day will be confirmed on the day prior and we will provide you with advice before the end of the school day.
Once confirmed, the decision to close will not change, regardless of improvements in the weather forecast. This is to avoid confusion and help your family plan alternative care arrangements for your child. It is also important to note that:
- No staff will be on site on days where the school is closed due to a forecast Catastrophic day.
- Out-of-school-hours care will also be cancelled on these days.
- School camps will be cancelled if a Catastrophic fire danger rating day is forecast for the Bureau of Meteorology district in which the camp is located, or if the travel involves passing through areas that have Catastrophic fire danger.
- All bus routes that travel through the Catastrophic area will be cancelled.
Families are encouraged to enact their Bushfire Survival Plan on Catastrophic fire danger rating days. On such days, children should never be left at home alone or in the care of older children.
For those of us living in a bushfire prone area, the Country Fire Authority (CFA) advises that when Catastrophic days are forecast, the safest option is to leave the night before or early on the morning of the Catastrophic day.
As part of preparing our school for potential hazards such as fire, we have updated and completed our Emergency Management Plan and reprioritised any maintenance works that may assist in preparing for the threat of fire and cleared our facility’s grounds and gutters.
What can parents do?
- Make sure your family’s bushfire survival plan is up-to-date and includes alternative care arrangements in the event that our school is closed due to elevated fire danger or a Catastrophic fire forecast. Further information can be found on the CFA’s website.
- Ensure we have your current contact details, including your mobile phone numbers. Keep in touch with us by reading our newsletters, checking our website by talking to your child’s teacher or any other member of the teaching staff about our emergency management plan.
- Most importantly at this time of year, if you’re planning a holiday or short stay in the bush or in a coastal area, you should check warnings in advance of travel and remain vigilant during your stay. If your child is old enough, talk to them about bushfires and your family’s Bushfire Survival Plan.
- You can access current information about school and early childhood services closures, including those due to elevated fire danger, on the Department of Education and Training’s website see
Multiple sources that offer information on emergencies are listed below:
- VicEmergency app – that can be downloaded on your android and iOS mobile devices
- VicEmergency Hotline (1800 226 226)
- Website
- ABC local radio, Sky News and other emergency broadcasters
- Facebook (
Have a lovely weekend,
Regards Heather