Year 7 Music
This term in music, students have been learning basic music skills building and developing their awareness of music terminology. In class, students have had the opportunity to learn two songs on the Ukulele and have also started their new Bucket Drumming unit of work. Students are given the opportunity to work both collaboratively and independently to achieve various levels of notation reading.
Year 9 Music
Year 9 are starting the year out strong as they begin looking at Popular Music. They have smashed out their first few weeks of learning, where they have individually or as part of an ensemble began learning a popular song to perform for their first Assessment Task. They have really given it their all this term and we are excited to follow their progress throughout the year. There is definitely a lot of talent in this class!
Year 11 Music
Year 11 are getting a taste for the Music 1 course as they have begun working on their senior studies. Students are currently working on their performance pieces and a viva voce leading into term 2. Alongside this, some students have been looking to extend their skills by enrolling in the Music Industry course through TAFE. Year 11 resident rock band, PIT, have also had a wealth of gigs and opportunities throughout the term. We wish our Year 11 Music students the best throughout the year as they touch up their skills for the beginning of the HSC course in Term 4.
Year 12 Music
Year 12 Music students are pushing toward the finish line and they are choosing their last couple of elective options ready for their examinations at the end of the year. They have started the year strong with a performance and viva voce on their Music for Small Ensembles topic. This is a stressful time for Year 12 as they perfect their pieces and electives. Miss Bailey, Mr Browning and the rest of the CAPA faculty wish them the very best in the coming months. We are sure you will do your absolute best!
Year 7 have had a great transition to learning in high school in Italian. They have all been working hard, learning how to introduce themselves in Italian and talk about their families. They are currently working towards their first assessment task where they will complete a listening quiz and present an introductory conversation in Italian with a partner. They have been a pleasure to teach so far and we can’t wait to hear their conversations.
Year 10 Dance kicked off the year with their bootcamp, exploring the elements of dance and solidifying their knowledge and skills in dance technique and composition. They are now working hard towards their first performance assessment task. They are working well collaboratively towards their class dance and we can’t wait to see them perform.
Dance Ensemble
Last week 10 students from our Dance Ensemble travelled to Sydney to rehearse and perform in Pulse Alive 2024. Claire Baker and Alison Eveleigh were interviewed and shown on the big screen before their performance. The students have been working hard rehearsing during lunch breaks to learn the choreography. They represented our school with professionalism and enthusiasm. All students are to be commended on their hard work and great performance.
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