Term one has had a strong focus and commitment to completing our Personalised Learning Pathways for our 251 Aboriginal Students. Personalised Learning Pathways are a tool for increasing Aboriginal student engagement.
They have the potential to support improved learning outcomes and educational aspirations when they are developed in genuine partnership with Aboriginal students, their parents or carers and teachers.
With roughly 90% of these complete, we continue to sit with students to develop their own plan to support their learning and engagement at school, these will be completed in Term 1 and will be utilised to support students throughout the year. As a part of this process, parents have been invited to also contribute to the plan through emails that have recently gone out or via the attached online form:
In Week 8, students from Yrs 9-11 will participate in a Department of Education - Strategic School Support review of Aboriginal Education within NSW DET and within our school. Students will attend our Aboriginal Education room on Thursday 21st March 2024 and undertake a feedback form that will guide change both at our school and the Department of Education.
Additionally, an email has also been sent home for families to participate in feedback regarding this and can also be located via the following link:
We have been conducting the Deadly Streaming program on Wednesdays for several students. Deadly Streaming focuses on Aboriginal students having positive self-regard leading to an increased awareness that they belong in the educational setting. Deadly Streaming encourages students understanding and respect of their identity and culture, and aims to improve their attendance and behaviour at school by improving their self-confidence and feelings of belonging. This increases their educational excellence and employability. This program is conducted by Uncle Craig Hammond from the Family Action Team / University of Newcastle.
Our Dream Together Extra Curricular class is extremely popular with a huge interest this term. We have been participating in art, beading/Jewellery making, weaving and games. This class is about engagement and connection to our community, with a relaxed atmosphere creating a sense of belonging for our girls.
This week, we will be watching the documentary ‘The Last Daughter’ which will introduce us to Aunty Brenda Matthews who will be attending our school during NAIDOC week.
Our weekly brunch on Wednesday lunch one is also popular with approximately 30 girls attending each week.
We are currently working hard on our NAIDOC preparations for July, and are very excited to share that we have Aunty Brenda Matthews from the Netflix Documentary ‘The Last Daughter’ closing our celebrations on Friday 5th July with a Q&A and Book signing for students. To learn more, go to the website:
There are some more exciting plans ahead and we will share these early next Term.
I am happy to work with our students and families to support our students, if you would like to meet with me or have any discussions, please email me at renee.andrews@det.nsw.edu.au
Our JAECG have started the year off with a bang hosting the first JAECG/AET Leadership Day in week 5. We hosted around 70 students and 20 teachers from 16 schools. Alliyah Bromell, Milla Parker and Lachlan Hancock displayed outstanding leaderships skills and many teachers provided excellent feedback on the day and the students skills and organisation. Leadership activities were conducted in the morning before Naidoc Week planning. The afternoon session allowed students to engage in cultural activities such as weaving, didge playing and an art workshop. Alliyah organised for local artist Alex Neehan to come and assist with the art workshop. The mural that was completed will be donated to the Kurri Kurri Community centre as a part of their Reconciliation Week celebrations in May. Congratulations to all involved who represented Kurri Kurri High School exceptionally well.
JAECG meetings are held every Friday week B period 2 in the Dream Together room. All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are welcome.
Young Mob has started with our Year 7 and Year 8 students this year with Aunty Yvonne and Will. Students seem to be enjoying the program and are looking forward to attending some camps later in the year. Year 9 and Year 10 students will carry on with their program upon completion of Stage 4 in Term 2.
On Monday 8th April (Week 11), 10 students will be travelling to Colyton High School to participate in a face to face Aboriginal Dance Workshop with Bangarra Dance Theatre. We are very excited and can’t wait to see what they learn.