Ms Somerville, Mr Brown, Ms Brady, Ms Wilson

Jane Somerville - Deputy Principal Years 7 & 10

I have had a busy start to the year, working closely with Mrs Dunn and Year 7 as they have transitioned to high school, making sure that they understand the expectations of Kurri Kurri High School as well as ensuring that they find their classes, access Canvas for learning and helping them to understand how to work effectively in HUBs. I have appreciated working with parents during this time as we find that it is important to work as partners with classroom teachers to help students be ready for learning in the classroom. Students have also been great in wearing the school uniform as it fosters a sense of belonging and sets a tone for focused, ready-to-learn minds. As we start to head into the cooler months, it is important to maintain this commitment to uniform and with so many different styles of school jumper available, I am sure that everyone will be able to find something that suits them.

Now that Year 7 are feeling more confident in navigating their way around the school I am starting to notice that some students are not staying in their classes or communicating with their teachers if they are having conflict with others. It is always important to communicate any issues with their HUB teachers or their Year Advisor Mrs Dunn so that they can be dealt with quickly and so that the learning can continue. It is also important that students stay in their classes for the entire lesson as every minute counts toward their academic growth. Consistent attendance promotes routine and maximizes learning opportunities. When students choose not to be in class they are missing information which then impacts on their understanding and ability to complete activities. By reinforcing these habits we are supporting a conducive learning environment that sets all students up for success. 


Year 10 have experienced a number of changes this year with the introduction of careers lessons and, for some students, the acceleration program where they have started one of their Year 11 courses a year early. Mrs Tilden has moved into the Career’s Advisor role this year and she has been inundated with Year 10 students organising work experience, TAFE courses and providing them with opportunities to get work readiness qualifications. It has been wonderful to see so many students take up these opportunities and for them to start to think about what their career path might look like. Year 10 is also the first year that students will receive a credential from the New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA) and there are many rules around attendance and completion of work to satisfy these requirements. Students need to make sure that are attending regularly, completing ALL assessment tasks on time and are submitting them to their teachers. Students who don’t meet these requirements may be putting their credentials at risk and may not be able to proceed into Year 11 next year. If you are concerned about your student or would like some additional support for them in completing assessments, please reach out to student’s classroom teachers to get a clearer picture of what help is available. I am sure that Year 10 will have a great year with many new experiences on the horizon.


Josh Brown - Deputy Principal Years 8 & 11





Welcome to 2024! We have already had a busy and productive start to the new school year in Years 8 and 11, with a positive year ahead.   


Year 8 

Year 8 have settled well into their new hubs to kick start their studies, demonstrating the same expectations that were set in Year 7. Students have been building positive connections with their new teachers and this year will meet multiple head teachers based on the subjects they are studying – English, Mathematics, HSIE, Science, PDHPE, Art or Technology. If you have concerns with your child’s learning, please contact their classroom teacher or for wellbeing concerns contact their Year Advisor Miss Bailey.   


Year 11 

Year 11 returned to school and were straight into learning and preparation for the demands of year 11. Students will be submitting their first assessments in the final weeks of term 1 and are encouraged to develop a study timetable to support their organisational skills. Juggling multiple priorities of assessments, study, sport, work and other activities is not easy and if students are experiencing difficulties, they should speak with their classroom teachers to work out proactive solutions to moving forward. All assessment schedules can be found on the subjects specific CANVAs course. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s wellbeing please contact their Year Advisor, Ms Trayhurn.   


Hands on Learning 


The relationship between KKHS and ‘Hands on Learning’ is into the second year. With Mr Garrard working closely with ten Year 10 students on a Friday to utilise the amazing facilities we have at our disposal to create a range of projects. This program creates opportunities for students to discover their talents and experience success through significant and authentic hands-on projects, whilst providing the chance to link with partner schools and the community.  Future expansion plans are underway to ensure more access and opportunities for our students.  



  • Students need to be in full school uniform all day, every day. The end of Term 1 it is a good time to get organised and purchase your winter uniform, especially those needing a new hoodie.  
  • Every lesson presents new opportunities for our students, therefore all students need to ensure they are READY TO LEARN and in class EVERY LESSON, EVERY DAY. A fully charged device, books and pens are a requirement. If you need support with uniform or equipment, please contact your child’s Year Advisor.   

As always please feel free to contact the school with any concerns you may have in regards to your students’ learning.   


Kasey Brady  -  Deputy Principal Years 9 & 12


Welcome back to a new and busy school year for 2024 and Year 12 embarking on their final year of high school, I know some students are extremely excited by this prospect and others a little nervous about what the future holds.  


Year 12 have jumped straight back into things with classes in full swing from Day 1 with assessment tasks submitted, work placements finished, and their first RESET cycle completed. Students have also completed their NESA confirmations and will start to work with Mrs Tilden on their early entry applications for university. Year 12 must ensure that they are attending all scheduled classes and are making the most of the study periods, not free periods, included into their timetable to ensure they are accessing the study centre when required to complete all tasks to the best of their ability and on time. Ms Stewart has been busy supporting you with identifying post school interests and ensuring you are liaising with the correct people to successfully transition into your post school pathway. It is important that Year 12 are following whole school rules, routines and norms, are in full school uniform and have their phone in their Yondr pouches whilst they are on site. Please ensure you and your students are checking your emails regularly to ensure you are accessing all information from the school during these final important terms of high school. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress please contact their class teacher, if you have concerns about their wellbeing please contact Ms Stewart (year advisor).  


Year 9 have quickly settled into the new structures of Stage 5 and the new style of learning as they move out of HUBS and into smaller classrooms with only one teacher. It is important that they come to school each day with their equipment and ready to learn. Even though classes have changed, lessons are still accessed in Canvas and there is an expectation that students are coming to school prepared, phones in Yondr pouches and they are following KKHS rules, routines and norms. If your student does not have access to a laptop please contact their Year Advisors for support in accessing the loan program. Students are also in the process of completing their first assessment tasks for most subjects, with some requiring work to be completed at home. Please contact their class teacher if you have any questions or concerns regarding their learning. If you have any concerns for your student’s wellbeing, contact their Year Advisors Mr Berry or Mr Asvestas. 


Years 7 and 9 are currently completing their NAPLAN assessment for Literacy and Numeracy, a shout out to Mrs O’Halloran for her organisation of these assessments. Whilst no one likes to complete their NAPLAN assessments, the results will allow us to support teachers to understanding the learning needs of the students and plan their work accordingly. 


Extra Curricular activities are back for 2024 on Thursday Week B Period 4. This year we have students participating in baking, 3D printing and Minecraft, Diamond Dotz designs, gardening, painting, arts and crafts, fun sports games, girls groups, teacher assistant at WPS and KKPS, Clontarf, Dream Together, S.P.O.R.T representative program, the activity with the biggest interest, fishing, and many more. We are excited by the new activities, how engaged students and teachers are and we are looking in Terms 3 & 4 to increase the number of students able to participate in the more popular activities such as our fishing crew.  


A reminder for all students and parents; students need to be in full school uniform all day, every day. As we get to the end of Term 1 it is a good time to get organised and purchase your winter uniform, especially those needing a new hoodie.  


Finally, all students need to ensure they are READY to LEARN and in class EVERY LESSON, EVERY DAY, including a fully charged device, books and pens. If your student needs assistance in accessing uniform or equipment, please contact your student’s Year Advisor. 


Have a great Easter Break and enjoy the Autumn vacation, stay safe and healthy, ready to get back into it for Term 2. 


Toni Wilson - Deputy Principal Inclusion & Support

Attendance DOES Matter 

With the 2024 school year in full swing, the NSW Government has launched a new phase of its attendance campaign to remind parents and carers of the critical importance of good school attendance. This is a priority focus area at Kurri Kurri High School as we aim for attendance excellence for every student.  The Department of Education’s latest ‘Every Day Matters’ campaign aims to raise parent, carer and community awareness of the importance of attending school daily, showing how just one day off school can lead to students missing out and falling behind, academically and socially.  Research shows positive school attendance benefits students’ academic achievement, engagement and wellbeing, while students who attend school regularly are also more likely to experience positive health, social and economic outcomes after leaving school.  Parents and carers are encouraged to contact the school on 4937 1877 if you have attendance concerns, so the Attendance and Engagement Team can provide additional support for your child. 


Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car stated:  

“A day or two away from school may not seem like a big deal, but missing just one day per fortnight adds up to an entire year of missed learning over a student’s school career.  “Unless your child is unwell, please send them to school. It’s the best thing you can do to ensure your child receives the best education possible.”