Principal's Message

Mr Alan Hope

Alans message to go here

Welcome back to another exciting term at Kurri Kurri High School As we come to the end of Term 1, it’s essential to refocus on some important positive habits that can contribute to our student’s collective success.


Attending school regularly is more than just a requirement; it's a crucial component of academic success. Missing school not only affects individual academic performance but can also impact student relationships with friends and teachers. We encourage all students to make a commitment to attend school punctually and consistently. Our Wellbeing Team have been working hard within this space and there are a lot of positive things ahead for students who regularly attend and those who are able to improve attendance. You will notice some new process and communication coming out soon to increase our focus on positive attendance, and we really thank you for your support in this area.


We have started the year really positively with school uniform, which fosters a sense of belonging and pride in our school. We appreciate your cooperation in upholding the school uniform standards. Please remember that we have school jackets for sale as the colder months approach. We have also recently consulted with our student leadership teams and are exploring a few new uniform items that will add to our collection! Please also be aware that we are able to support families who are struggling with school uniform; please reach out to the school if this would be of assistance to your student.


Having the right tools is essential for success in any endeavour, and school is no exception. Whether it's notebooks, calculators, books or other materials specific to a class, students must come prepared with the correct equipment. Being organized and equipped for learning minimizes disruptions during lessons and enables students to fully engage with the curriculum. We urge all students to double-check their supplies each day and ensure they have everything they need to participate actively in class and complete assignments effectively. Again, we do have some spare supplies at school, so if you need any equipment then please contact the school. 


We have already started the term with many activities including Wellbeing Week, Parent Teacher Afternoons, positive attendance rewards, SPORT try outs, Extra curricular periods, Year 12 Reset Days and many Wellbeing Initiatives. All of these events are planned to ensure that our school is providing a range of opportunities for all our students to find positive connections and fully engage in their learning to achieve positive results.  You will see may of these things in this terms newsletter! 


By prioritising positive attendance, adhering to the school uniform policy, actively engaging in learning, and bringing the correct equipment each day, as a school are are hoping to lay the foundation for a fulfilling and successful school year and we are really looking forward to all of the positive adventures and success ahead!

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. Here's to a year filled with learning, growth, achievement and lots of fun!