Student Learning

Foundation students doing their daily mindfulness after recess to help them slow down and focus again.
This week Foundation students enjoyed a fun session using Fruit Loops! They sorted them into colours and then made a graph showing how many of each they had.
Students are loving sharing their interest books at reading time. We hope students continue reading over the school holidays!
Our letters of focus have been L,R and F. Students have been learning all about these letters and included them in their writing.
In numeracy sessions Foundation students have been learning to match the numbers with the pictures and words.
Year 1/2
Reading: The students are learning about the author's purpose, recognising that authors typically aim to either Persuade, Inform or Entertain, often referred to by the acronym PIE.
Writing: This week the students published their narratives they have been working on, ensuring they included a beginning, middle, and an ending, along with an illustration.
Maths: The classroom was filled with excitement and anticipation as they graphed Smarties in Maths. They analysed the data they collected and discussed the results.
STEM: Last week the students planted a bean seed. Throughout the week they observed the life cycle as they discovered what it required for germination, such as water and sunlight.
The Resilience Project: The students have been discovering that disability doesn't equate to inability. They read " Emmanuel's Dream," an inspiring true story about Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah. The book concludes with his quote "In this world we are not perfect: we can only do our best."
Year 3/4
Year 3/4 students have been learning about European settlers during Mappen. To extend on this learning, students wrote a diary entry about their use of artefacts. Savanah and Mia were very proud of their diary entries.
Students have been working hard on their spelling. Students have been completing spelling tests, dictionary digs and partner tests to help them learn their words.
3/4 students have been working on a passion project this term, they are up to publishing their hard work and research. Topics include, letters to sports stars, information reports and Autobiographies.
Colouring and sketching to create texture in Art.
Year 5/6
Foundation and Year 6 Buddies worked together in the Year 5/6 area. So exciting! Reading, card making and craft. There was lots of sharing, encouragement and kind words as the big and little buddies learned together!