Principal's Update

Hi everyone,
I hope you’re all well. I can’t believe this is our last newsletter for the term.
Looking back, we have had lots going on and many things to be proud of. Most importantly the students have had a wonderful term of learning at school. The students need a big pat on the back for their hard work and resilience across the term.
EMMAC Winners
I’d like to give a huge congratulations to Foundation B on winning the EMMAC award for Term 1. They will be going to the Cobram Cinemas to watch ‘Kung Fu Panda 4’ on Thursday. A reminder to parents that consistent attendance at school is the best way to help your child with their learning!
Building Works
We have been busily moving through the building works process for our government funding that we received in 2021. We are very excited to announce that our Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 classes will commence in the new learning hub from the start of Term 2. This is very exciting for our school community!
The demolition of the middle building will commence over the school holidays. Unfortunately due to these works our School Holiday Program is not able to take place on site and will instead be held at Numurkah Primary School. We apologise for this inconvenience and do not anticipate any other interruption to the program going ahead.
Term end and start
Our last day for Term 1 is this Thursday 28th March, with school finishing at the normal time of 3:20 pm. Our first day for Term 2 will be Tuesday 16th April, due to Monday 15th April being a student free day for staff professional development.
Have a safe and happy holidays!
Claye Runnalls