Junior School

Year 7 student to compete on the world stage in Karate
Jayden S. of Year 7F recently participated in the Victorian Karate League that was held at Box Hill Aqualink on the 17 Mar 2024. The event was a whole day event with a total of over 500 competitors.
We are proud to announce that Jayden achieved a 2nd place in the Kata (form) competition for 12-13 years old category under the Development division!
Following on from his success, Jayden then competed in his JKA Karate Club Mini League on the 24 March 2024 that was held at DSC basketball court, where he achieved 1st place for Kata (form) & 2nd place for Kumite (sparring).
He is now practicing hard to prepare himself for a JKA World Tournament in Japan during Oct 2024. We wish Jayden all the best and know that the whole of DSC will be supporting him!
If anyone would like to watch Jayden’s YouTube videos, you maybe subscribe and like www.youtube.com/@j-karatedo .
Term 1 - that's a wrap!
Weekaway Year 7 Camp Reflection
Excited students surrounded the performance Centre for an incredible few days at the Weekaway Year 7 Camp. The buses were filled with the eager spirits of the many campers.
After a long bus ride to Benloch we set off to find our cabins and groups. Boys were in the Kangaroo Lodge and the girls were in the Eagles Nest and Cottage. Everyone rushed through the hallways with excitement to find the special door with their name printed on it. We unpacked and got ready to begin year 7 camp!
Weekaway was full of fun: Team Building, Laser Tag, Bike Riding, Giant Maze, Canoeing, Archery, Scavenger Hunt, Hut Building, Flying Fox and Yabbying. We were well entertained!
Night activities included night walks and trivia. On the night walk teachers told a story about Eddie Eastwood, also known as ‘Eddie the Butcher’! We walked to the CFA, which was once the old primary school where Eddie the butcher and his friend kidnapped the students and Teacher. We turned off our touches and gazed at the beautiful night sky while the teachers continued telling us the story. Eddie was extremely poor and wanted to kidnap the people for money. The story paused, then there was a loud BANG by the teachers! The screams of the terrified campers echoed through the cold and dark night. We were then told that Eddie and his friend kidnapped the students and teacher in an old white van. The wind whistled in the sky as a WHITE CAR drove past leaving the year 7’s terrified for their lives. The teachers laughed then insisted on taking us further into the forest! A fun night was had by all.
The trivia night was competitive, and everyone wanted victory. You could gain extra points by doing challenges.
Camp went so quickly. As an overall experience, Weekaway Year 7 Camp was pretty great from the food to the activities. It was an awesome 3 days that everyone enjoyed.
Written by Trini B. of 7H