Parent Information

Communication updates


The Parent Access Module (PAM) is the main platform the college uses to communicate with families. Other forms of communication include the St Anne's College Facebook and Instagram pages, the fortnightly college newsletter - il giornale - and email. Check PAM daily for important updates and information.  


Parents/carers can access PAM for permission forms, daily messages, their child's learning areas, student reports and to send parent-notified student absences. If you have misplaced or forgotten your PAM login details, email 

Please note, occasionally the college will communicate via email in addition to our usual PAM (Parent Access Module) messaging. Emails will come from the St Anne's College no-reply email address. Add this to your safe list so it does not go to your spam folder.

SIMON Everywhere App

The Parent Access Module (PAM) can be viewed via an app on your mobile or tablet device called SIMON Everywhere. 

For helpful, instructional SIMON Everywhere videos please click here.


Social Media:

To view regular updates from St Anne's celebrating our learning, hard-work, engagement achievements and more across the school, visit and/or



To provide any parent/carer feedback to the College, fill out the feedback form in the parent resources section of PAM.

Bus updates

Jacobson's morning charter bus update:

Jacobson's have extended our special charter service to collect students from the St Mel's Primary School southbound bus stop on their way towards McGuire/GoTafe interchange. This extension is being provided by Jacobson's so the college has no control over the service, including future provision. This service does not operate in the afternoons or on whole school pupil free days.

Location: Southbound Bus Stop (across the road from St Mel's on Archer Street).

Collection time: 8:40am sharp, the bus will not wait and cannot be delayed as it has to meet the schedule from McGuire/GoTafe interchange to St Anne's College

Bus number: Bus 8 - Dhurringile

St Anne's College students are to remain on the service until it reaches St Anne's College at around 8:55am. There are no changes to the original private charter service from McGuire/GoTafe interchange. This is an additional stop immediately before arriving at the interchange Bus Bay 1. 


School of Wonder bus travellers:

Parents/carers of SOW children travelling on the bus after school must:

  • email to both and the child's Pastoral Group Leader BEFORE 1pm on the day the child is to travel on the bus; or 
  • call college reception on (03) 4812 2993 BEFORE 2.30pm

If the above procedure is not followed, the child will remain at school.

 - Mardie Guppy, Reception and Community Engagement Officer

Register for the following


St Anne's College is a cashless college and does not take cash payments. Setting up your CDFPay online account enables you to pay for additional ad-hoc college fees, extra-curricular activities (e.g. TAFE White Card training enrolment), library book recovery costs and/or enrolment deposits via

Not sure how? Click on the link below for a handy step-by-step guide:


Qkr! App 

Lunch orders are now available on Wednesdays, provided and delivered to the college by Eastwood Orchards via the Qkr! App. Orders are available on Wednesdays and can be made up to two weeks in advance, closing at 8:00am Wednesdays (the same day you require lunch). Orders and changes after this time are not accepted by the system.


Once you download the Qkr! app, if you can't see St Anne's on the list, enter it in the search bar. If it does not appear, search "all" and click on St Anne's College Kialla.


To amend and/or cancel an order before orders close, log on to your Qkr! account and visit the menu (three lines), click on "My Receipts" and the relevant order date and click on the minus button (one at a time) next to all your orders (if more than one). Your order should say "cancelled" and a credit will sit in your Qkr! account for the next lunch order.


To download the app, use this helpful guide: 

SIMON Everywhere App

The Parent Access Module (PAM) can be viewed via an app on your mobile or tablet device called SIMON Everywhere. 

For helpful, instructional SIMON Everywhere videos please click here.

Mobile Phone Policy

The College's Mobile Phone Policy stipulates mobile phones and other personal communication devices (such as smart watches) are not permitted to be used by students during the school day. Any devices on site must be switched off and left in students' bags or lockers and not used during school hours.


If a student needs to contact their parent/carer, they can request to use one of St Anne’s College’s phones. If you need to arrange collection or communicate with your child during school hours, you must contact the office on (03) 4812 2993.


To view a copy of the policy, click the link below:

Health and Wellbeing

Click here to view all general parent information on health and wellbeing related matters. 



With cooler weather approaching, now is a great time to check your child's uniform. If your child is out of uniform for any reason, a note is required to be submitted to your child’s Pastoral Group leader.  


Uniforms can be ordered in store at Shepparton School Uniforms which is now located at 2B/ 210 Corio St (opposite Trelly's) or online at with both click'n'collect and delivery options available. 


Click here to view further general uniform-related updates.


Picking up students during school hours:

Parents/carers must make contact with the office if they wish to collect a student(s) during learning time prior to collection which must take place at reception. Parents/carers MUST sign the student out before leaving St Anne’s College grounds.


Students who become unwell or injured during the school day are sent by a Learning Mentor to the administration office for medical attention. Every effort is made by staff to aid and encourage recovery, however, when medical care is beyond the capacity of our staff, parents or emergency contacts will be notified and asked to collect the child.


Contacting St Anne's College: 








Learning session times 

8:30am: Learning spaces open

8:55am - 9:05am: Pastoral Group

9:05am - 9:55am: Learning session one

9:55am - 10:45am: Learning session two

10:45am - 11:20am: Recess/supervised eating

11:20am - 12:10pm: Learning session three

12:10pm - 1:00pm: Learning session four

1:00pm - 1:35pm: Lunch/supervised eating/outdoor exploration

1:35pm - 2:25pm: Learning session five

2:25pm - 3:15pm: Learning session six

3:15pm: Dismissal