John XXIII Rowing Club 

Dear Families

As we close the last week of this term, I'd like to extend a heartfelt 'Well done' to all of our rowers for an exceptional start to the 2024 season. Your dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed, and it's clear that we're on track for a successful year. Please take note that training days will be changing from the start of Term 2; we advise you to review the schedule included below for all the new dates and times. 


Additionally, we're eagerly anticipating the combined rowing camp for our Years 9 to12 rowers, which kicks off with the boys' day on Wednesday 3 April. This camp is an excellent opportunity for team-building and skill enhancement, and we want to make it as enriching and enjoyable as possible. If your child intends to attend but you haven't yet completed the RSVP, please fill out the registration form provided below at your earliest convenience. This ensures we can adequately prepare to make the camp a memorable experience for everyone involved. Let's keep the momentum going and continue to strive for excellence both on and off the water.



Rowing training tops on sale

We have a limited number of blue training tops for sale in the Uniform Shop. Prices are as follows:

  • Short-sleeved training tops: $15 each
  • Long-sleeved training tops: $20 each

Rowers can wear their training tops to land training as an alternative to their school sports polo, so they are a great option to cut down on the weekly washing! They are also great under the zootsuits on the colder mornings. All proceeds from the sales of the tops will go directly to the Club as a fundraiser, so even more reason to purchase one…or two!

2024 Registrations 

For our younger students in Years 7 and 8, it's exciting to note that Learn to Row programs will be held in Semester 2 and registrations for those programs will begin next term.


For those in Years 9 to 12, it's not too late to join the John XXIII Rowing Club for the 2024 season. Whether you're new to rowing, interested in becoming a coxswain, or looking to represent our College, we warmly invite you to join our rowing community. 

Please don't hesitate to register and become a part of our proud rowing tradition by completing the online Registration Form available via the link below. Here's to a season of growth, teamwork, and success on the water!


Term 2 Rowing Training Schedule

 MondayTuesday WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday      









Alternate + Seniors


6:00-8am (Land)




6-8am (Diamond & Erg)



6-8am (Diamond & Erg)
















  • Pick up: 5:05am at JTC Bus shelter
  • Return: 7:30am from Boatshed

Key Rowing Events 2024

Date  DayRegattaVenueGender
3-6 AprilWednesday to SaturdayCombined Years 9-12 Training Camp (no overnight)JTCBoys/Girls
27 AprilSaturdayIGSSA 1 - MLCChampion LakesGirls
11 MaySaturdayIGSSA 2 – JTCChampion LakesGirls
25 MaySaturdayIGSSA 3 - PENChampion LakesGirls
26 MaySundayAll Schools 1Champion LakesBoys
8 JuneSaturdayIGSSA 4 - PLCChampion LakesGirls
15 JuneSaturdayAll Schools 2Champion LakesBoys
22 JuneSaturdayIGSSA Head of the River - PCChampion LakesGirls
20 JulySaturdayRWA Pennant Regatta 1Champion LakesBoys
27 JulySaturdayAll Schools 3Champion LakesBoys
10 AugustSaturdayAll Schools ChampionshipChampion LakesBoys/Girls
7 SeptemberSaturdayHouse RegattaCanning BridgeBoys/Girls
7 SeptemberSaturdayPresentation NightTMECBoys/Girls

*Please note: the girls will compete in only the IGSSA season, except for those invited to join the All Schools Championship campaign. 


2024 will see this as a Saturday Regatta, and more information will be distributed in the next fortnight.

Stack Team App

Please download the ‘Stack Team App’ on your phone as this is the central place for training schedules, training updates, and access to the rowing handbook to name a few. It is important that all rowers and parents have access.

To get this app go to the App Store or Google Play and download Stack Team App onto your mobile device, then follow these simple steps:

  1.  Sign-up to Stack Team App. You’ll be sent an email to confirm your registration.
  2.  Log-in and search for JTCRC, then request to become a member.

Asthma and Allergies

A reminder that all rowers with asthma or allergies are required to bring their asthma puffers, EpiPens, or medication needed to all sessions.

Rowing Handbook

You can access the Club's Rowing Handbook below.




Jerram Gibson

John XXIII Rowing Coordinator