Around The Primary

Dear Families

The past term has been wonderful! It seems like just yesterday we were gearing up for the start of the school year, with new shoes, uniforms, books, and classrooms. We welcomed new friends, teachers, and students with open arms. But now, as we near the break, it's a good time to look back on all the activities and events that have filled the last 9 weeks. From swimming lessons to fundraising for Project Compassion, from IPSHA Swimming and Basketball Carnivals to Academy Plate Tennis Tournaments, from NAPLAN to Leadership and Music Assemblies, from Lenten activities to Easter Reflections, it's been a whirlwind of learning and growth for our students.


A big congratulations to all the staff for keeping our students engaged and motivated throughout the term. Now, it's time for everyone to take a well-deserved break and recharge. 


As we enter Holy Week, a time of reflection on Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, let's take a moment to reconnect with our faith and loved ones. The Year 5 Blue students led us in prayer with the Stations of the Cross, delivering a heartfelt and meaningful reflection. Special thanks to Ms Allen and Mrs Fontaine for their dedication in bringing the story of Jesus to life.

Wishing you all a joyous Easter and a peaceful break with family. I look forward to welcome everyone back to school on Tuesday 16 April for the new term ahead.


Kind regards


Antoinette De Pinto

Head of Primary 


Staff News

  • Mrs Talea Standing will be commencing Parental Leave today. We wish Talea and Kyle every blessing as they look forward to the birth of their first child.
  • Ms Yasmin George will be commencing Parental Leave early in Term 2. We wish Yasmin and Christopher every happiness as they await the birth of their first child.
  • We are pleased to announce that Mrs Georgia Reddell and Mr Andrew Edwards will be team teaching in Year 5 Gold. Mr Andrew Edwards will also be taking on the role of Assistant Principal for the remainder of the year.
  • Mrs Chiara Bennett will be returning to teach Pre-Primary Blue on Fridays and Ms Jodi Joyce will be rejoining our team to teach Numeracy for a day each week.

People for Others

A big shout out to Cian Iredale (Year 6B) for participating in the World's Greatest Shave and raising $1662.00 for the Leukemia Foundation. Cian’s was very keen to raise funds to help others. What a beautiful example of our John XXIII community spirit. Congratulations Cian!

Bravo to Sophia McShane (4B), Olivia McShane (2G), Sienna D’Alessandro, (7KL), Joshua D’Alessandro (5B) and their friends for running a sausage sizzle at their Nonna’s house to raise funds for an orphanage in Kenya. Through the generosity of family, friends, and neighbours they raised $6,075.00 which will buy several dairy cows to give fresh milk to the children in the orphanage. Well done to everyone involved!

Dates to Remember

Tuesday 16 AprilTerm 2 commences          
7:30am Cross Country training resumes
Thursday 18 AprilKindy Health Checks

Please check the College Website to note all the important Primary school events for your family calendar. 


By subscribing to the College calendar, you are automatically alerted when details of an existing event are changed.  

Cultural Excursion

Year 2 students visited Kings Park this week and learnt about local plants and sustainability practices that Noongar people have used to maintain healthy rivers.  The children watched and learnt about traditional dance by the Wadumbah Aboriginal Dance group.  They also had the opportunity to navigate their way through the Noongar Boodja Bidi track using a map.  They explored the naturescape park and learnt about Noongar seasons, symbols and plants. 


It was an actioned pack day full of adventures.


Emily Krikstolaits and Lucy Ricciardi

Year 2 Teachers

Sacramental Certificates

Parents are requested to email a copy of their child’s Sacramental Certificate (Reconciliation, Eucharist or Confirmation) to Mrs Petsos in Main Administration for our College records.

Sport Update

It has been great to see such an impressive turn out at cross country training over the term.  We have had students and parents from all years (even a superstar from Pre-Kindy!) starting their day with some exercise and walking to class with big smiles on their faces.  


With the Years 3 to 6 Interhouse Cross Country Carnival just around the corner on Thursday 9 May, training will resume on day one of Term 2, Tuesday 16 April.  We will begin practicing the actual course to help runners to decide whether they will attempt the long or short course at the Carnival and what pace to run so they can do their best for their House.  Students below Year 3 are still welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. 


Westside Wolves are running a holiday hockey program for Kindy to Year 6 students.  Please see the flyer below for more details.  


Please see the table below for Term 2 Extra-Curricular Sports on offer:

Year GroupSport


(commencing Week 2)

Booking Information 
OpenCross Country 

Tuesday & Thursday 

7:30am – 8:00am

Years 2 and below must be accompanied by an adult.

No booking required
Years 1-6Soccer


3:30pm to 4:20pm

J & J Soccer Training with Coach Adi

Years 1-6 


Girls only


3:30pm to 4:20pm

J & J Soccer Training with Coach Adi

Years 2-6Basketball


3:20pm to 4:20pm

Redhage Basketball School Program


If you have any queries about anything sport-related, please contact me via email: 


Steve Williams

Primary Sport Coordinator

Music Update

Palm Sunday at St Joseph’s Church 

Congratulations to the students from Wanju Voices who sang at St Joseph’s last weekend at the Palm Sunday Mass. The students received many wonderful compliments from parishioners, and Monsignor Long has invited the choir to sing again during the year. 



Congratulations to all ensemble members for your dedication to rehearsal this term. A special thank you to families for assisting students in getting to early morning rehearsals.


Choir and instrumental ensemble rehearsals for the first week of Term Two are as follows:

String OrchestraTuesday 16 April 7:15am Osborne Room
Mini MinorsTuesday 16 April8:00am Osborne Room
Primary SingersThursday 18 April8:00am Osborne Room
Chapel ChoirFriday 19 April 7:30am Chapel

The Oxford and Cambridge Singing School (10 to 13 April)

Following the success of last year’s course, the Perth Choral Institute and Oxford and Cambridge Singing School are providing young singers in Perth with the opportunity to enjoy music making and improve their choral skills. 


Held over four days during the April school holidays at Aquinas College, students are guided through high-level choral repertoire, music theory, history and appreciation, and performance. The course includes Junior and Secondary groups and is open to students aged 7 to 17. Students may attend a single day or the full course. 


For more details regarding this incredible opportunity to work with highly experienced coaches, please visit the registration website: The Oxford & Cambridge Singing School | 2024 | Humanitix


Catholic Performing Arts Festival

Entries into this year’s Catholic Performing Arts Festival open on Tuesday 12 March and are open to all students who learn an instrument/voice through the College or with external tutors. Students learning through the College will have their applications to perform managed through the Music Office, while those learning externally can submit and return an online application.


A calendar detailing category, performance venues and dates is available online. Please email the Music Department with any queries 


If you have any queries regarding Primary Music, please contact me via email:


Catherine Haydon

Primary Music Teacher

Extend After School Care

Please refer to the PDF providing information regarding Extend services in Term 2 and ‘The Link Community Hub March’ edition.


Please click on the following link to find out about After School Care offered by Extend including hours of operation, fees and how to book - John XXIII College - Extend


The team at Extend can be contacted via email: or call 

1300 366 437.