From the Principal

Our Secondary School Easter Liturgy and Primary School Easter Reflection provided students and staff with the important opportunity for reflection, renewal and spiritual growth in anticipation of the upcoming celebration of Easter.


During the week, our Year 12 students also participated in their Manresa Retreat. Coincidentally, it was on 25 March in 1522 that one of our Founders, St Ignatius, arrived at the village Manresa on the Cardoner River in northern Spain. The eleven months he spent in Manresa were crucial in the development of his own spirituality and understanding of his life’s work. It was in Manresa that Ignatius began to compile the reflections of his spiritual life that developed into the Spiritual Exercises


‘He sat down for a little while with his face to the river – Cardoner – which was running deep. While he was seated there, the eyes of his understanding began to be opened; though he did not see any vision, he understood and knew many things and matters of faith and learning, and this was with so great an enlightenment that everything seemed new to him. It was as if he was a new man with a new intellect.’ 

(In a Pilgrim’s Journey, Joseph N. Tylenda SJ)


As we approach Easter Sunday, we are invited to pause and reflect on the blessings that grace our own lives in the hope that the Easter message of renewal and hope will inspire us to live with even greater compassion and kindness. 


With this in mind, I hope you are afforded the opportunity to spend some precious time with family and friends during the holiday break and I look forward to everyone’s return in Term 2.


Daniel Mahon
