Aoife's Message

Good afternoon Holy Cross families,
I hope everyone is looking forward to the warm weekend ahead of us. We have had an eventful two weeks since our last long newsletter. Please see below for some information and, as always, please check out our Learning & Teaching page to learn a little more about what happens at our school each and every day.
Holy Cross Website
Our new look website is now live. During the changeover period you may notice that the links to our policies do not work, all policies will be updated across the next three weeks. In the interim, hard copies can be requested at the office.
ROAD CLOSURE - all families please read
Please see the attached letter from Macedon Ranges Shire Council in relation to upcoming road closures which will impact on our school. I will keep families updated as the project moves along.
Slapped Cheek, support from families please
Could I please ask all families to be aware of the viral infection 'Slapped Cheek'. We do not have any cases of this virus at school at the moment. However we do have a child at our school who has a serious medical condition that precludes them from coming in contact with this infection. If your child does show symptoms of this virus please let the office know.
Please follow the link to a fact sheet from the Royal Children's Hospital for more information:
Parent webinar - 'Raising kids in a Digital World'
I cannot recommend this webinar strongly enough. The online world offers us many amazing opportunities to learn and connect, however it is vital that our children are empowered to feel safe and be safe online. This webinar is free for Holy Cross families as part of our commitment to Child Safety and supporting families. See the flyer below for details on how to register.
Prep Parish Welcome Mass - Sunday 17th March
Our Prep families are warmly invited to join the Parish of St Brigid's Gisborne in a welcome Mass this Sunday. Agnes and Alice look forward to celebrating with you.
Year 3 Sacrament of Reconciliation
Best wishes to our Year 3 children and families who will be celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Tuesday 19th March. We will pray for you over the coming days.
Year 3 and Year 5 NAPLAN
Our Year 3 and Year 5 children commenced NAPLAN testing this week. Our children are to be commended on their 'have a go' attitude.
Staff Professional Learning
Last Tuesday our staff took part in a day of professional learning focused on Student Wellbeing. We engaged with High Impact Wellbeing Strategies (HIWS) which are evidence based strategies developed by Monash University. We look forward to continuing to engage with HIWS and to enhancing our school practices and processes throughout the year.
Please note that the last day of Term 1 is:
THURSDAY 28TH MARCH with a 2.30PM FINISH time. The Gisborne Transit bus will not cater for the earlier finish time but all other buses will.
Next week I will be attending the Victorian Association Catholic Primary Principals conference. This conference is held every two years, I am looking forward to attending my first one and representing Holy Cross, alongside Mel Daly from St Brigid's. Our school will be in the very capable hands of Kellie and Kate from Tuesday - Friday next week.
Thank you for the sea of green that spread across our school today. Our School Captains represented Holy Cross at a special Catholic Education Week Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral this morning. Wishing you a Happy St Patrick's Day this Sunday.
Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit!