Upcoming Events
Term 2
Upcoming Events
Term 2
Monday 29th April
Junior School Assembly - LPAC (Year 1 presenting)
Tuesday 30th April
QKR - Payment OPEN for MOPA - Year 2
Wednesday 1st May
Year 6 - EMC Experience Day
Thursday 2nd May
School Tour - 4pm
Friday 3rd May
Free Dress Day - Gold Coin donation
Second Hand Uniform Sale - 8.30am
Monday 6th May
Senior School Assembly - LPAC (Year 5 presenting)
Wednesday 8th May
QKR - Payment OPEN for Coal Creek Year 1
School Tour - 4pm
Thursday 9th May
Mother's Day Stall
Mother's Day raffle CLOSED and DRAWN
Friday 10th May
Mother's Day Stall
Walk Safely to School Day
School Tour - 9.30am
QKR - Payment OPEN for Twisted Science Year 3
Monday 13th May
Education Week
Whole School Assembly - Outside Stage (Above + Beyond and Choir performance)
QKR - Payment CLOSE for Melbourne Zoo Year 4
Tuesday 14th May
Murdoch District Cross Country
QKR - Payment CLOSE for Push, Pull, Motion - Prep
Wednesday 15th May
Education Week - Open Afternoon
Thursday 16th May
Education Support Appreciation Day
QKR - Payment CLOSE for Sustainability Incursion (select students)
Monday 20th May
Senior School Assembly - LPAC (Year 3 presenting)
Year 4 - Melbourne Zoo
Tuesday 21st May
Prep - Push, Pull + Motion Incursion
Wednesday 22nd May
National Simultaneous Reading
QKR - Payment CLOSE for Year 5 Camp
Thursday 23rd May
Sustainability Incursion (select students)
Friday 24th May
School Tour - 9.30am
Monday 27th May
National Reconciliation Week
Junior School Assembly - LPAC (Preps presenting)
Tuesday 28th May
QKR - Payment CLOSE for MOPA Year 2
Wednesday 29th May
Northern Division Cross Country
QKR - Payment CLOSE for Year 6 Camp
Friday 31st May
School Tour - 9.30am
Monday 3rd June
QKR - Payment OPEN for Toastie Orders
Senior School Assembly - LPAC (Year 4 presenting)
Tuesday 4th June
Year 2 - MOPA
Wednesday 5th June
Year 5 - Forest Edge Camp
QKR - Payment CLOSE for Coal Creek Year 1
Thursday 6th June
Year 5 - Forest Edge Camp
School Tour - 4pm
Friday 7th June
Year 5 - Forest Edge Camp
QKR - Payment CLOSE for Twisted Science Year 3
Monday 10th June
Kings Birthday - Public Holiday
Tuesday 11th June
Curriculum Day
Wednesday 12th June
Year 1 - Coal Creek
Year 6 - Log Cabin Camp
Southern Metro Region Cross Country
School Tour - 4pm
Thursday 13th June
Year 6 - Log Cabin Camp
Friday 14th June
Year 3 - Twisted Science
Year 6 - Log Cabin Camp
Monday 17th June
QKR - Payment CLOSE for Toastie Orders
Tuesday 18th June
Murdoch District Winter Sport Lightning Premiership
Monday 24th June
Whole School Assembly - Outside Stage (Above + Beyond)
Tuesday 25th June
Performing Arts Night
Thursday 27th June
Murdoch District Girls Football Lightning Premiership
School Tour - 9.30am
Friday 28th June
Toastie Truck
Term 2 finishes - 2.30pm dismissal